The phantom

Clay held Jade closer .

Jade's one weakness was horror movies and their characters but she had still loved to watch them .

She only watched the older ones with their horrid make-up and effects and this man in front of them looked like he had stepped out of The phantom of the Opera , the 1943 adaptation. 

" Jade , it is just someone in a black coat , he is no phantom ", she hurriedly tried to explain , scared that she would get a panic attack .

Jade stopped screaming and moved around Clay to peek at the man that had still not taken off his coat .

Clay was beginning to wonder if the man was a highway robber and this was a robbery .

" You are right . I thought for a second that he was some grim reaper here for my soul , I was going to tell him that was it too early to be picking me up already", Jay whispered with a giggle .

Clay drew a blank to the reference , she would have to filter her books and movies once again .

The stranger took a step forward and Clay took a step backwards , pulling Jade along .

The stranger laughed and held out his hands , raising them to show that he was unarmed .

The sunlight struck a glint from the wristwatch he was wearing .

An expensive gold watch , so not an highway robber or he could still be one , the watch being the proceeds from his last victim .

Clay really wanted nothing to do with anyone that was not her sister right now .

His laugh was light and somehow did not sound like a criminals laugh , if that was a thing .

" Clay and Jade Willis , it is such a pleasure to finally meet you ", the man said as he spread his arms like he expected a hug . 

Clay took a step towards the strange man , clenching her fist as she did so .

" How do you know our names ? ", she asked , her voice slow and measured .

A car was approaching them , Clay watched the car from the corner of her eyes .

" I will explain and answer everything , but not here . Take a ride with me ", He offered .

The stranger pointed at the car that had stopped a little behind them .

" Who on Earth takes a ride with a stranger doing a poor illustration of the bogey man ?" , Clay asked incredulously .

The stranger shook his head .

" That's fair , I guess ", he said with a little grin .

He nodded towards the car and the glass from the driver's side rolled down .

The Westbrook's butler was the one behind the wheel .

It was safe to assume that the person that stood before them was a Winchester too or affiliated with them .

" What do you say ? "

The stranger rubbed his palms together , he seemed too excited for whatever this was .

Clay turned around to look at Jade , she shook her head .

She had no objection .

" Okay , but I want my sister in the passengers seat next to the driver " , Clay stated solemnly .

The stranger paused for a second .

Jade mouthed 'Why?'

" But she is underage , I don't think that is allowed ".

Clay did not move and only stared at the stranger , he finally conceded .

" Okay , let's do that ".

They all filed into the car , Clay knew nothing about cars but it was a big car .

Not as big as a limo but big enough for the driver and whoever was in the passengers seat to not hear whatever was being said behind them .

The stranger took off his coat once the car had begun to move , leaving Clay speechless .

Her Dad had told him how they looked so much alike in their family that it was crazy .

Still , the boy sitting in front of her looked so much like Clay , it was simply uncanny .

She had always known that she did look boyish in a way but this was a discovery.

From his dark red hair to his even darker green eyes.

Even their heights and gait were similar. 

He pointed at her face and then his coat .

" I thought you might be too surprised if I suddenly appeared looking exactly like you, hence the coat ".

" Who are you ? ", Clay asked .

Clay finally managed to get out but her mind was already far off .

Why had this boy come after them?

Had her aunt changed her mind ?

She shamelessly hoped it was the situation. 

" I am James, you met my mum earlier " , he said by means of an introduction .

His face clouded slightly when he mentioned his mother , but his face cleared off almost as soon as of he had given himself a shit of serotonin and it was pretty obvious from the way he had mentioned his mum that his business with them had nothing to do with his mum ,so his mum had not sent him .

Clay did not react and also ignored the hand that her cousin , James was holding out .

James smiled ,his whole dentition coming on full display and looking more scary than good-looking .

His teeth was so white, it looked like it had been edited separately.

" I guess I used the wrong order again ".

" I should have started by telling you that I am here to help save Jade ".

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