°°° Breaking the Rules°°°

• Lower-class condos •

-Lower Nine-

In the quarters tagged "Lower Nine," the present participant with the Lower Nine ranking, Sean Walker, sat in the bedroom turned living room, watching a series of videos of combat techniques for his fighting style, Muay Thai.

Carlos had been making him do this even before he arrived in Pittsburgh. His phone was filled with almost every document, app, and video they could find on Muay Thai. This was Sean’s best fighting style, and Carlos was beating it into perfection.

Carlos’s strategy was simple. Don’t fight to win; fight to survive. Although this had cost Sean a number of bruises and a swollen eye, it was actually effective. By watching these videos, Sean was able to understand how to finish off his opponents. He would keep on the defense, with all the ending techniques replaying in his mind. After watching them over and over again, he could remember the criteria for most of those techniques to be pull
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