°°° Trailing Trailers °°°

• Mexico City, Mexico •

-Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral-

The 220-foot-tall cathedral, built of chiluca, stone, and tezontle, stood firmly rooted in the earth. Passersby and tourists walked past the building, enjoying the warmth of the summer’s Tuesday sun on their faces.

A couple meters from the cathedral, in Terraza Catedral, a rooftop restaurant with a wonderful view of the cathedral and park, a group of nine oddly dressed men and women, in total, had taken up two tables.

At first glance, they looked like a bunch of tourists, maybe a band that had come to tour the city, and tights were their signature fashion statement, but they lacked the excitement that tourists carried.

They held a bottle of beer each, sipping from the bottles in unison each and every time. The perfection of their uniformity had garnered the attention of the other customers, who began to see them as clowns who were about to put on an open-air performance, but the audience was di
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