
Teras had spotted a sword on a desk while he had this whole conversation with Tokkou so when he had the chance he run for it, Teras grabbed the sword and tried to jump off the window, in a blink of an eye Tokkou kicked Teras across the room

"Are you suicidal or something kid?"

he said with anger

"So you use the power of the cards too huh?"

he said with a cracking voice

"Which card was this? because this can't be the same that the one fatty used, your aura is more ominous "

"You got good eyes I'm gonna give you that kiddo"

he replied with a smug face

"Look I don't use that stupid sword anymore so let's make a deal if you can even touch me in a minute this sword is all yours plus I'm gonna tell you about the cards, fair deal, isn't it?

Teras looked him in the eyes and said


"You have some guts kid, so here are the rules you have to strike me or even touch me within a time limit of 1 minute, if you can achieve that then you win, keep in mind I can use my ability to defend myself and Ι can also attack you in self-defense and finally you cannot give up, got it?"

"First of all, you have to tell me what is your ability so I can have a little bit of an advantage"

he said to him


he replied, Teras had no idea what telekinesis was but he pretended to know, then in a flash he swiftly tried to pierce Tokkou but he blocked it with a luxurious desk

"How the hell can you do that?"

Teras asked in surprise

"Are you an idiot? I just told you I have telekinesis powers"

Teras then tried to locate an opening so he could end the match quickly but he couldn't find anything because of all the furniture Tokkou was using for defense, he quickly realized that if he wanted to win he had to use his brain so he fell back and tried to think

"What are you doing? the clock is ticking"

Tokkou said in an attempt to pressure Teras but he didn't bite it, while Tokkou was toying with him,Teras  came up with an idea he grabbed  a book and threw it at Tokkou and rushed at him at the same time

'he has to block one of us'

he thought to himself, he was almost in perfect sync with the book he threw, as he was ready to strike his body froze, the same thing happened to the book too

"I-I can't move"

"You think it would be a fair fight? I possess the card of the Jack"


this word brought back a flash of memory in Teras's head but it was too short to make something out of it

"Just so you know the power of a possessor of a card exceeds every skilled card user or mana user, maybe I should have said it earlier, so you knew how much of a disadvantage you actually have"

Tokkou said to Teras

"I could keep you froze the whole time, I just wanted to see what you were capable of doing against someone like me and to be honest you didn't do as bad as I expected you to do"

"Did I lose?"

he asked Tokkou

"No, not yet you still have time, so you could try to break out of my power"

he said in an ironic tone

"Oh, I get it! then I give up"

Teras replied

"Wise choice kid"

as soon as he left his guard down, Teras punched him in the face as hard as he could, Teras then backed down and told him with a smile

"What do you think Tokkou did I pass the test now?"

Tokkou pinned him on the wall with his ability, he was furious, Teras couldn't move a muscle and he was feeling like his bones were crushing, he was screaming and crying in pain

"You think you are a smart kid! huh?"

Tokkou then released Teras

"What's wrong?! you said I couldn't give up so I bluffed! you never said anything about bluffing!"

he replied with a voice filled with pain and tears in his eyes, Tokkou calmed down

"I guess I didn't, so in return I will grant you your wish"

he said to him with a smile before Teras could say something he felt unconscious

Tokkou quickly shouted for a maid to pick him up Teras then was quickly rushed to a room

'How the hell did he survive that? no human could ever survive this kind of force from a card possessor!'

he said to himself while looking at a big mark on the wall that Teras's body made

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