River break
After the dangerous battle they fought in the forest, Har wanted the group to take a small break but Teras had other plans, he had promised the old man to help if they could and now it was the perfect opportunity for him to assist the man without having him or his friends risking their lives for nothing

"Teras how are we supposed to go to Yuka? Isn't this village like 10 km from here?"

Har asked him as he packed his things, Lia and Cara were also packing their things

"Don't worry about that, the guild will inform someone from the village to pick us up, a carriage will arrive here in about an hour or so"

Teras told him, Har looked annoyed

"Since we have all this time why don't we go to the river?"

Cara suggested

"I agree, today is a pretty hot day so going for a bath before leaving would be great!"

Lia supported Cara's suggestion

"Sure we don't have to lose anything"

Har said, Teras didn't mind either, the group then got ready and began to walk to the river, the girls left the
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