GRADUATION DAY. A person looks around because he cannot see the person he is looking for. The program was about to start but the person he was waiting for had not yet arrived. Is there a problem? All he knew was that they had fixed all their plans last night. All presentations that they prepared are all fine.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the program will start in a few minutes. Let us observe silence.”

"We're safe guys!" he even heard other classmates chattering

"So, that's it! I feel so relieved!"

"There's this news that even Teacher Zeffy is missing!"

If they don't disappear on graduation day, it means that they are not part of the killer's target. Yes, all the students here are ready. Everybody knew the school's secret. Not everyone is sad when someone dies, some are also happy because it means when you are alive on the day of graduation, you are safe.

“Ianna, congrats! You are now the valedictorian.” He seemed to feel nervous when he heard the guy next to him congratulating Ianna.

He ev
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