Chapter 9: room 13.

Adam was disappointed, but he understood, the symbiote did read birdy's biological data, just not the way he anticipated. "it wouldn't work like that!" Adam murmured to himself, then he turned to birdy. "did you feel any thing?" he asked him while checking the area he touched up close.

"yeah! You zapped me? Why did you do that!?" Birdy said while rubbing his forehead. Adam's face was too close for comfort, so he tried to keep his distance. "can you tell me what this is about at least?!"

'what is the use of this biological data!?' Adam asked while trying to find a loophole.

[biological data scanning can be used to upgrade the host's physical condition and neural mapping, linguistic comprehension Benefits are included, projecting irrelevant memory data will allow the host to experience the target's memory. Partial memory projection is possible."

The symbiote explained what it showed him this time, it didn't just say the minimum things like it always does. 'Did Birdy infect the symbiote with that talking disease?! I had no idea it's infectious!!' Adam wondered while also taking a step back from Birdy, which resulted in a more awkward situation between them.

The symbiote actually did learn how to speak from Birdy, what Adam didn't care to know before is that Birdy reads so many comics that his language comprehension is way higher then Adam. The symbiote also showed him that whatever is deemed as (irrelevant data) is always stored in its data base, no matter how insignificant.

"what is the best comic you have ever read?!" Adam said, thinking that maybe he should have tested this on Mr. Roland, but how would he explain touching his head and zapping him.

"justice alien! Definitely the best comic ever, its about an astronaut with metal parts, he visits a planet and finds aliens living on it and he…" Adam interrupted him with a hand gesture.

'project the latest chapter of the comic justice alien from birdy's data.' Adam said in his thoughts, which didn't take a split second to feel some sharp pain in his eyes and the center of his head as if someone is cutting his brain open. Adam covered his eyes with both of his hands and made a low groan, while dropping on the ground.

Birdy approached Adam putting his hand on his shoulder. "what happened!! Do you need to go to the nurse Again? Are you gonna die? If you die it would be boring here, you put every one in trouble but you actually make things interesting, Don't die Adam, can I have your bed if you die? I don't like sleeping on the top be…"

"Lexuan Arnold, the metal astronaut, needs to destroy the evil gang's hideout, before they launch their virus to the network and clear all the data about… oh my god!! It is infectious!!"

"do you read comics too! I can't wait to know what happened in the next chapter…" Birdy said in excitement as Adam interrupted him again.

"I don't read comics, and I never want to hear about metal astronaut again in my life…" Adam said panting. "this was not worth the pain."

Adam stood up looking at Birdy. "I have a gift for you actually." He said while leading Birdy to the play ground.

"that's your credit Adam! I can't take it!!" Birdy said, his eyes watering, he was so happy and so Sad at the same time. Adam told him to chose a 134 coins worth of comics or any other thing he needs and he will purchase them for him.

"consider it a thank you gift, for being my… helper! I wont be needing it any way." Adam said while sliding his card on the monitor to register the payment. The card could only be used by its owner, the monitor would scan the holder and the card at the same time. This was to prevent theft and bullying. Otherwise Adam would have left the card to Birdy to do what he wants. although an old system, it was used between children in an orphanage, what could go wrong.

Birdy considered Adam as his friend, he was the only one spending time with him.

before Adam arrived Birdy was ignored by every one, he was unnoticeable by the kids his age, who only wanted to play sports, so they would ignore him for being too weak. Even the chess team kicked him out for talking too much, and for actually being bad at chess.

He tried to spend time with the grown-ups, other then Mr. Roland, no one tolerated him for more than 10 minutes.

He was too lonely, between being alone and helping Adam escape, he preferred to be used by Adam for his plans.

"will I see you again?" Birdy hugged Adam, he didn't need him to say that he's leaving, he felt it. He felt alone the moment Adam gave him every thing on his credit.

Adam didn't push him away. "maybe!" he said with almost unnoticeable sadness in his expression. He didn't hug him either, he just stood there, waiting for Birdy to finish his show of affection.

Birdy wiped his tears and extended his hands to Adam. "when I grow up, I'll find you." He said with a smile.

Adam shook his hand and said. "we will see about that." His expression as cold as usual, but Birdy saw a glint in his eyes that he didn't understand.

At 10pm, all the children had to go back to their rooms. The care takers held their flashlights shining in each room like a beacon of light. Gem, the care taker responsible for the room Adam is in, was holding the flashlight aiming at the ceiling, his eyes not leaving Adam. "good night kids." When everyone was ready to sleep, He said as he locked the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Adam was planning for tomorrow. He needs to contact his father, and if that fails, he needs to trick Ms. Sydni some how, to make her believe that he did.

'how much energy do I have now?' he asked in his head, he unwrapped the bandages on his arms and legs earlier, the scratches and bruises on his body looked a few days old, the smaller ones already healed.

[current energy reserve: 94%.

Permission required to start enhancement.

Current subject: Metabolism. 115%.]

It was back to speaking the minimum amount of words, but differently. It was more elaborated.

'start.' Adam said as he closed his eyes.

[initiating enhancement.

Energy used: 75%

Estimated required time: 30 minutes.

All motor functions are disabled during the enhancement.]

after a few minutes in the complete darkness of the room, he felt a hand on his shoulder. he panicked, His heart raced, he is paralyzed at this moment, he can't move, he can't speak, he can't even open his eyes, and if he opened them, he won't be able to see, the room had no light source. He felt stranded. His imagination started taking over, monsters and claws and all kind of horror went through his mind.

something is breathing on his face, Fear was eating him alive. a few seconds passed, they felt like a few hours in his state, he heard a voice that disgustingly assured him somewhat.

"Adam! Did you sleep?" said Vergo in a whispering voice. "aren't you gonna pay me for the chocolate bars and biscuits you stole this morning?" he seemed sad, as if he lost something so precious to him.

'Vergo! You goddammit idiot!!" Adam screamed inwardly. "just wait, I'm gonna make you regret ever taking a breath near me" Adam forgot all about dealing with Vergo, he was too busy to concern himself with him.

Under the unwillingly suppressed disgust, Adam was cursing Vergo with every word known to him, he even invented new ones just for him.

A minute later, Vergo gave up, he went back to his bed, he almost cried, he couldn't do any thing to Adam, he was actually afraid of him. He saw the expression on Adam's face when he bitten Gem, to him, Adam was the devil. he avoided him in every occasion, if not for his precious food, he would never dare approach Adam.

Adam couldn't sleep any more, the adrenaline in his body didn't let him. The moment the paralyzing effect ended, he darted up from his bed towards Vergo, he didn't make a sound, no one felt him move, everyone was either asleep or about to be.

In the silence of night, A very loud scream was heard coming from room 13.

All the care takers and the resident staff of the orphanage were woken up from their slumber, the care takers and the security headed to room 13 to see what happened.

Gem opened the door, he brought with him a bigger flashlight this time, the entire room was lit, the security entered after Gem.

Every child in the room had a horrified expression on their faces, they were cowering all together in one side of the room, the farthest side from Vergo's bed, they were all staring at Vergo, some of them were crying.

Pale as a ghost, Vergo was almost sticking to the upper corner of his bed, with the wall behind him he couldn't go back any farther. his dilated pupils were staring at a certain spot, his rapid breathing was loud. he didn't move until Gem approached him, he was startled, exhausted scream came out of him, then he fainted.

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