Unhealthy ego.

The dense smooth ball fell to the ground, bypassing the gravity field that previously contained it. It plunged a few centimeters deep into the hard metal floor, a ton of force was concentrated in a small area, making it hard to contain it by regular matter. It was still sinking through the metal floor slowly, as it was being mercilessly pulled by the planet’s gravity.

[Connection established. recalculating blueprints to adapt to the signal of the new nanite cluster fabric. More physical contact with the material is required for a faster result.]

“Was it successful?!” Keet’s eyes were asking the question before he even moved his lips. He was startled by the sudden disengagement of the sphere from the gravity field. He kept his eyes and scanners on Adam to detect if he is in danger before any thing, and he was relieved for once to see Adam’s expressionless face unchanging. “Can you control it?.”

“Yes! The signal is different from any other cluster fabric, my blueprints needs to be modif
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