Chapter 41

A scorching pain followed him in every step he took. His ragged breath formed into icy mist and his body shriveled at the faintest breeze. Strength leaving him as time passed and the roaring of his stomach was what echoed the most throughout the road.

He had lost the sensation of his legs for a while. Even maintaining his open eyes gave him an effort he never knew existed. The only fuel that prompted him forward was the faces of his family back home.

One and only wish he held dear, to come back and to not become a cold corpse in a foreign land he never heard of.

When he rubbed his hand to seek for the slightest warmth, he saw the frostbite fingers.he wanted to chuckle but instead turned into a soft whimper that escaped his lips. Despite this, he trod forward. Never looking back.

Minutes stretched into eternity and his own flesh felt more of irons and steel to shackle him to the ground. For who knows how long, his feet hit a rough staircase and the big wooden door with a board on t
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