A battle destined to be forgotten III

Myles ran to the private hospital wing in the palace. Currently, it was the only place in the palace that hasn't been attacked by the creatures and Dragons that joined the fight letter on. The whole way there, he kept shaking her seemingly lifeless body and begging her to open her eyes. Crystal clear beads of water fell from his eyes and he cried in despair.

When he got to the hospital wing, the whole place was empty. Not a single soul was to be seen. He fell to his knees and cried even harder. He was lost.

Myles looked at Gabriella's still body. Her face was beautifully sculpted by god. She had naturally long lashes, and her eyebrows were perfectly shaped and didn't look like they could be cousins. Her plump lips were beginning to lose pigment and turned as pale as her skin.

Just then, a gigantic claw of a dragon broke through the wall. The impact caused small pieces of bricks and dust to go everywhere. Luckily, Myles had turned around just in time so the pieces of bricks and dust di
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