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“You think am dead right?” Imonial asked and smirked.

He finally stood back to his foots. He charged at Steel Man who instantly stood a fight stance, with flames on his hands.

Whoosh, Imonial sent a punch, which Steel Man instantly dodged by shifting his head to the right side. Then he flew backward in a toggle flight with speed, without hesitating, he charged at Imonial and Pow!! He gave him a fire punch at his chest, which made the latter staggered backward. Imonial immediately charged back at Steel Man as if he wasn't punched, he tried to deliver a blow at Steel Man's face, But Steel Man dodged his blow again by bending down and diving him into the air. Steel Man unleashed Imonial as Imonial began to fall down, facing the sky as he was also yelling. Steel Man quickly rushed at him, and Doom!! A stronger Megaton blow, hit Imonial on his stomach, squeezing his abdomen and taking him down in great speed with a very loud Thum!!

The ground where Imonial fell has been dead
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