Scenes at a Party - Part 2

“Emily Ty.” Stephen said over the phone as he spoke to John. He didn’t need to use the Cho Industries resources to make Vanessa’s cousin suffer.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” John asked, everyone around Stephen knew how he refused to hurt the Ty family because of his fiance.

“It wasn’t me that they offended.” Stephen answered.

“Alright boss, we’ll get all the dirt on her and her branch of the family. I should have it by the time you get home, enjoy the party.” John told Stephen as Stephen thanked him and ended the call.

“What did you do?” Amalia asked as she kept watch, making sure no one got too close to Stephen.

Of course that was incredibly difficult since most of the guests wanted to introduce themselves to the mysterious Malcolm Reyes.

“I just asked for an investigation.” Stephen responded.

It was the truth, he had done nothing yet.

“I was not offended.” Amalia insisted. “Also I don’t need you to come to my rescue, I’ve survived six years without you.”

“You don’t need t
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