Chapter.9. Harpyie Solution     

I was dragged by the Harpyie again. We arrived at a place I remember as where Max the Golden Retriever and I met. Also a few blocks from that place I met Timmy. 

"What happened to Max and Timmy? What happened to them?" I worry about the two furry creatures. "Well, this really surprised me," said Harpyie, tapping the wand against his forehead. 

"You know, Max is so happy with his new Master. He is so loyal to his grandfather and always with him wherever he goes. Then Timmy, he became Master to the humans who adopted him. Ha, ha, ha. It's funny that somehow your work was successful on animals." The harpyie snapped the wand three times. 

Two scenes where Max always follows the grandfather who helps him. The fur boy looks happy by always wagging his tail every time his grandfather calls him. What is very funny is actually the scene belonging to Timmy the orange cat. He is so spoiled and bossy. His wish was always the Master's priority—slave, I mean. I'm glad they live happily with caring humans. 

"Maybe because the memories of animals are simple. If there is care and love that surrounds them, then they can easily move on with their lives after their memories are erased," explained Harpyie, "Unlike humans who have complex thoughts, if they lose one  trace of memories then it will be difficult for them to be able to move on."

I silently studied Harpyie's explanation. Yes, humans are complicated creatures. I know it. Because before I became a vampire I also had memories, memories and strange dreams. If one was missing, I would be very confused. Ah, I suddenly thought of a teenage girl who looked like that. Porcelain doll, Antoinette. 

"Antoinette's fate is worse, Claude." Harpyie said without looking at me. I'm wide-eyed. My heart beats fast. I can't bear to think about what happened to that poor girl. 

"Unfortunately, you say?" Harpyie turned to me and she squinted as if surprised by my thoughts. Harpyie grabbed my hand. We went back into the time and space portal. We went to the hall of a mental hospital. Harpyie led me into a room. Because we are currently traversing time and space so that our bodies cannot be seen by humans. We entered a room whose walls were lined with some kind of foam covered in some kind of white synthetic leather. All I know is that the room is for patients with severe mental disorders.

"Don't tell me Antoinette was put in this room, Harpyie," I stammered worriedly. 

"Look in the corner of this room. You know him, don't you?" Harpyie pointed with a time stick at the figure of the girl sitting in the corner of the room. I gasped in disbelief.

"Antoinette!" Harpy nodded. 

Meanwhile, my heart suddenly felt sad. What happened to the girl? Did her memories disappear even make her worse off? 

"You're wrong, Claude," said Harpyie, reading my mind. "That girl got something terrible after you lost the memory of her father."

The Harpyie snapped the time wand three times. There is a scene where Antoinette wakes up after her memories are erased and I leave her on the hospital bed. The girl woke up with an unusual expression on her face. His gaze was so cold and what was more worrying I felt the murderous aura from the girl. 

There was even a disgusting smell of Antoinette's blood. I felt extremely nauseous after smelling the scent of Antoinette. It felt like my breath was blocked by the smell of rotting human corpses. 

"What's this?" I asked, I smelled the stench from Antoinette's body.

"What do you think?" asked the Harpy. I shook my head. 

"Antoinette's memory of her father shouldn't be erased. You know why? See!" I witnessed a horrific thing that I thought was impossible for a beautiful girl, the porcelain doll. 

A nurse appeared with medicine for Antoinette. The nurse was surprised to see the special jacket for the mentally ill completely removed from Antoinette's body. The nurse was horrified to find Antoinette removed from the jacket. He was about to leave the room where Antoinette was being cared for. But unfortunately for the nurse. Antoinette attacked him by lunging at the nurse's body. Then Antoinette blindly bit the nurse's throat. Similar to what Frederika did to Darek. So that after being caught by other medical staff, Antoinette was locked up in an isolated place and returned to wearing a jacket for the mentally ill. Wait, one thing popped into my mind. What I saw first, Frederika's face was identical to Antoinette's. Perhaps? "You realize now?" asked Harpyie, snapping me out of my thoughts about Antoinette. "So, the Frederika in Antoinette's memories is herself. She killed her own father." Harpyie nodded firmly at my analysis. 

"In Antoinette's soul there is another soul who is a sadistic psychopath. It is all the fault of her father who made Antoinette as Frederika's replacement. He treats his son viciously. Because no one cares about his fate, Antoinette creates another alter within him. A strong figure, cruel and heartless," explained Harpyie. 

"And I was the one who let go of the figure of Frederika until it completely controlled Antoinette's body, then the memory of her father was actually the restraint of the figure of Frederika in Antoinette from doing sadistic things," I continued. 

"Well, you're smart, Claude." Harpyie chuckled as I responded to her explanation of Antoinette.

Weird, really weird. My job is really risky. However, why did Memória allow all this? Honestly, I'm pissed right now. 

“How about it, huh? Regarding Memória, I already said she has a nosy soul. It seems that her purpose was to watch you play her game in messing with human memories,” explained Harpyie, “the curse she gave was indeed the duty of the Creator to punish you, Claude. But , there should be further explanation so that the memories form a hope." 

"I don't understand. What is meant by memories forming a hope?" I asked. 

“I'll explain after helping you solve the problem of the task you're doing. This is a solution from me so you don't get harsh punishment for Memória's actions. After all, these are just some of the mistakes I've shown you. keep messing up human memories if I just let it go." 

"So what's the solution?" I asked curiously.

"Easy." The Harpyie hit the wand once against the floor, to stop the human world's time.

Harpyie approached Antoinette who was huddled in the corner of the room. He pulled out his claws that curled like sickles. Then, he scratched the skin of Antoinette's forehead. Blood gushed from the Harpyie's slashed fingernails. 

"Take this Antoinette's blood back," Harpyie ordered.

"Wait, I don't want to. Then the other memories of hers will disappear. What will happen next? What will Antoinette be?" I turned down the Harpyie for fear of losing another important memory. 

"Tch, you're fussy! Just follow my orders. After all, memories will be lost if they really want to be erased. Ah, it shouldn't be removed anyway. But, just do it!" growled the Harpy. I drew closer to Antoinette. 

I grabbed the shoulders of the frozen teenage girl, then sucked the blood. Harpyie put her palm on the top of my head. Then cast a spell. 

"Memórias, voltam alma do dono!" ️¹

Unlike when I lost my memories, where my head felt like it was hit by a hammer. Now the pain of flashes is imperceptible. I can still consciously witness the memories. In my head the memories of Antoinette's past that I had lost. 

"What should I do after this?" I asked Harpyie. "You sort out the memories about Antoinette's father. about his father. Then erase the memories of Frederika too, everyone!" I'm confused about how to sort it out? Hopefully the Harpyie will give you a clue. 

And yes, he did give a hint after previously hitting the time stick on my head and saying, "You, stupid!" 

Come on, where did I go wrong? 

"Sharpen the bad memories then say in your heart, erase those memories!" said the Harpyie. 

I followed the birdgirl's orders. One by one the memories I picked up and erased the ones that had to be erased. 

"Okay done!" I jumped with joy. My job is done. 

I saw Antoinette's initially ghastly eyes begin to turn warmer. "Let's go back to where they were!" I'm tired of traveling through time and space."

"That's good! There are still Miss Alma, Kartika and the last one is Natasha. Their memories must be returned and repaired! And there are still a few more..." said Harpyie while moving her fingers as if counting something. 

Hah! It's not like he's fixed some of the memories I erased earlier. For Miss Alma, Kartika and Natasha I want to do it. But others. Please, help me! 

"Yes, just imagine for hundreds of years you failed to serve and I have to take responsibility for your mistakes. What do you think I'm not tired of?" grumbled the Harpyie. 

Ah, may I borrow the time stick. I want to go back to when I was dying. I would have chosen Morte to take my life right then and there. 

¹ Memories return to their owner's soul!

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