
- I see! God interrupted me. "When you came for the first time, I took a cast of the weaves and did the same now. You've gotten stronger. Now you control the manifestation of the infection... Well, well, well... Strikingly! This is the primitive, crude, but effective magic of the flesh, multiplied by the infinity of the Abyss. And, unsurprisingly, she only works with aliens to this world like you. Any local curse would devour in a matter of days, transforming it into a thoughtless creature and completely subordinating it to the Plague Pestilence. But not you! Your natural capacity to regenerate is stronger than a curse...

And if I lose that primitive ability, it's going to get a lot harder for me.

"You won't lose it," Hippopotamus said. "Rebuild the temple, and I will have enough strength to give you something like this.

I'm not going to get there in the next three months, Sleeper. The island you were talking about is outside the territory where I, an alien, can be. And the plague pla
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