Episode 34



Damien knocked on the door and when there was no response, he rang the doorbell. After a few minutes he decided to knock again when the door turned open.

Kathryn was standing at the door in her mini white strapless gown, her lips coated in red and her brown hair in a wavy length that fell over her shoulder.

"Hello beautiful" Damien said and handed the flower he had picked up from the flower shop.

"Hello handsome" Kathryn flirted back, she smiled as she received the rose from Damien and brought it to her nose.

"Thank you for the flowers," she said.

"This is my favorite, you know" Kathryn said and Damien smiled, he was happy he made the right choice.

When he was at the flower shop, he didn't know which flower she would love but he had gone for the rose and fortunately, she had loved it.

"I am glad I made the right choice, now I know why those roses were screaming Kathryn with a K at me" Damien joked and Kathryn burst into laughter.

"Flatter me, w
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