Chapter 9 : He knows
"Family?" Kendrick was puzzled. He had no knowledge of Nagid's family. He had always believed Nagid to be an orphan, as he had been told since...

"What family are you talking about?" Kendrick asked, confused.

"You know your life is in my hands now," Nagid warned. "And I won't tolerate any lies here."

"I promise you, I don't know anything about any family," Kendrick pleaded.

Nagid began to feel confused. Had he miscalculated? Why did Kendrick have no idea about his identity and family? Could it be that, in this lifetime, they were unaware of his family? Wait, Tony would definitely know. That old fox. He remembered Emma telling him that Tony was the one who informed her about his family and identity. It meant that Tony was the only one in the family who knew about his identity. If Nagid wanted to know everything, he would have to start with Tony.

"You don't need to answer if you don't want to," Nagid declared.

"Nagid, for the sake of the love you have for my sister, please let me g
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