Chapter 3

Noah woke up at dawn. He just had a terrible nightmare. He dreamed that he was beaten to death, thinking that his life would end. After that, his mother was excessively abused by the Noble family. In his dream, he became a wandering spirit with his mother. She had to live a very miserable life, becoming homeless. The pain in his body reminded him that it was only a dream.

Memories return. He remembers his battle with Fred. Anger broke out and he defied everything. He had never been this mad in five years. Noah looked around. Noah looked at the white wall along with everything in the room. This is the hospital. But why is he in the hospital? Noah wouldn’t be naive at the thought of the kind Noble family taking him to the hospital. After yesterday’s incident, Fred will take revenge on him. Noah could imagine Fred’s tortures.

“There is no medicine for regret in this world. That bastard can do whatever he wants. I have nothing left now.”

Noah laughed mockingly at this life. He didn’t know if he was mocking Fred or mocking himself. Noah lay still. He was very painful, especially in the head. He still remembered that day. The man hit him on the head with a stick. He turned his back. There’s something under the blanket. Noah used his hand to search under the blanket. It took a long time to touch a small cold object. He holds up. It’s a small Rubik’s cube. This item is very familiar. Isn’t this what the homeless old man gave him at goodbye? Noah clutched the small Rubik. Suddenly he pressed a button on the Rubik’s cube. Noah couldn’t believe what had happened before his eyes. Like in sci-fi movies. The Rubik’s Cube gradually evaporates and disappears away. He made sure that this Rubik’s cube wasn’t made of flour or anything. Even if it’s a powder, it cannot be dissolved in the air. When this Rubik’s Cube disappeared, another Rubik’s Cube appeared. It was like a projection projected straight into the air. Noah looked around, but he couldn’t find anyone in the room.

Is someone making a tough joke?

No. No one.

He tried to sit up, leaning his back against the familiar wall. He didn’t dare to do anything. It’s very dangerous here. Thirty minutes later, the doctor and nurse came to inquire about his health. But no one noticed the object hovering in front of them. The doctor and nurse left Noah’s room. Noah was alone in the room. He slowly reached out and touched the Rubik’s projection in the air. The light bounced around the room and then went out. In front of Noah, a small window interface appeared. It’s only about the size of an A4 sheet of paper. And of course, this object like those in these sci-fi movies is very special.

[Player: Noah Hunter

Age: 27

Race: Humanity belongs to the planet Z888 (The data is synchronized with the internet of planet Z888.)

Health: 3/10 (Severely injured, malnourished. You Should rest and eat in moderation.)

Intelligence: 3/10 (You are the person closest to intellectual disability, or the weakest and most unsuccessful.)

Skill: 0

Props: 0

Anger point: 0

Wealth: -100000000 KNB (Currency of planet Z888) (A man in debt)

Recommendation from the system: You have activated the system. Please learn the function of the system. We don’t have time to answer you. Quickly earn anger points to make up for his lack of wisdom.]

Noah watched in horror at everything that had happened before his eyes. Was he beaten to the point of hallucinating? Noah was a little scared. But Noah was still curious. He wants to find out about this. That thing is called a system. Crazy people don’t know they’re going crazy. Just assume it’s real. However, it is currently unknown whether this system is real or fake. But he is willing to find out. If it harms him, he will find a way to get rid of it. Didn’t the homeless old man give him this? If so, he certainly has a way of dealing with it. Or he’ll go find a doctor and have his nerve examined. But Noah didn’t know what to say about this system either. Therefore, it judged him to be lacking intellectually. He is very normal. Noah even went to college. Then, Noah began to learn about this system. His hand touched the screen in the air and it was easy to control it. It took a long time for him to grasp the situation of the system.

This system is called “The Anger Collection System”. Exactly like the name. It collects the negative feelings of others. And it needs an owner. That’s him. When he collects a certain amount of anger points, he can exchange them for items in the shop. The store is still locked. And points can also be used to play games of chance. There is a wheel of fortune, which he can use his anger points to spin for rewards. Usage is quite simple.

Noah looks at everything in the system.

At this moment, the hospital room door opened. Noah stopped touching the air like a madman. Noah knew that he would look strange from the outside. One person went inside. The high heels touched the floor, and even though the person was very careful, the room was so quiet that the sound still echoed. A girl entered the hospital room and approached Noah. If there was a quiz to find the words that describe this girl. That would certainly be beautiful and cold.

Lucy Noble, the legal wife of Noah.

The face is extremely beautiful, the lines on the face are delicate and strangely harmonious. Lucy’s face is like a sculpture. It was created by God. But this woman didn’t want to smile as if she hadn’t learned and forgotten how to smile. She is like a block of ice that has been frozen for millions of years. She has long hair. The hair is yellowish close to platinum.

Is she not real in the world?

Lucy is a famous beauty. Men are crazy about her. In the past, everyone speculated about the lucky man who would marry her. Everyone is also looking forward to the perfect son-in-law who will help the Noble family grow. But in the end, Lucy’s grandfather decided to let her marry a commoner like Noah. All plans to use Lucy to gain the benefit of the Noble family failed. That was one of the reasons why they were angry and hated Noah. Lucy sat down on the chair beside Noah’s bed, worried about him. Neither of them spoke to anyone.

The air froze with embarrassment. In the end, it was still Lucy who couldn’t bear to open her mouth first.

“I will settle your brawl with Fred. You temporarily moved to my place.”

After saying that, Lucy stood up. She hated Noah’s silent and weak appearance. The action of Noah toward Fred made her think he was about to change. But she was wrong. He can only bow his head forever.

[Anger point +1 (She’s hating your silence)]

Noah was extremely surprised by Lucy’s words. The system promptly caught his attention. She will help him settle his fight with Fred. She also wanted to be with him. A strange feeling spread through his heart. Looks like she’s getting too angry. He couldn’t be as quiet as usual anymore.


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