Chapter 8: Father and son moment.

“What the….” Peter could only mumble that underneath his breath as he was lost, and his eyes were glued to the result in his Hands. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. Suddenly, all his doubt he had about him not being Charles's son immediately disappeared. He just couldn't believe it at All, according to the DNA test, he was Charles's biological son.

Collin just smiled as he gave Peter the 'I told you' look. He was Hundred percent sure that Peter was Charles son, and it has been confirmed by the DNA test.

“I told you, son! You are his biological son and there is no two ways about it. I hope all your doubt is cleared now?” He asked, enjoying the look on Peter's face.

Peter just smiled at him a bit and nodded in a 'Yes'. “Wow, uncle, I can't believe this but now all my doubt are all cleared. This is so….”

“Amazing And beautiful. I know.” Collin completed the sentence for him. Peter just chuckled and smiled, lovely. As his eyes sparkled. He couldn't believe that his life just took a superb turn. He was still shocked, all he could do at that moment was just to smile Lovely at Collin.

Furthermore, he couldn't deny the fact that Collin made him feel comfortable And okay.

Seeing the smile on Peter's face, Collin was delighted because he finally proved to Peter that he was Charles's son.

Max just had a wide smile on his face as he watched the two. His father was a very close friend of the Williams, so he was also a friend of theirs. He couldn't believe that Charles has a son. Everything just came as a shock to him.

“Well, I think we should head back home because your father will kill me if I delay you from seeing him as soon as possible.” Collin joked and Peter chuckled at what Collin said because it was a little funny.

“Alright, but I think we should go tomorrow. I just want to calm my head for today.” He said, and Collin just gave him a weird look.

“Fine if you say so but tomorrow, as soon as possible, we will be going to see your father. He has already sent numerous messages to me. As you can see, I am not the only one happy about this. He is so happy, and you should be happy too because this is an excellent thing and this is the Time to revenge if you know what I am talking about.” Collin said the last part with a frown. He knew how Peter's friend, wife, and in-laws treated him, and he just hates it whenever he thinks about it.

Peter, who knew what he, meant, just chuckled and there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

It was obvious that he liked what Collin said. “I know what you mean, and who knows what is going to happen next?” He said and chuckled. Peter just laughed. They both of them left the hospital and headed to Collin's home. When the arrived home, Peter immediately went inside the room he was given. He just laid down on the soft big bed with his eyes close. His heart darkened as he remembered all the painful memories. The way everyone turned their back at him. They way they disregarded him and only showed him fake love because of his money. The way he was treated like trash.

“It is not over yet.” He mumbled before he dozed off to sleep. The pain he felt was heartbreaking, and having a big change in his life was really spectacular to him. He felt happy, at least he knows that he is not alone in this world. He knew that people will only show a person love and respect when the person have something to offer them, like money.

The next morning, Peter woke up after hours of sleeping. He showered, brushed and prepared for the day. He Felt nervous as he was going to meet his father. Furthermore, he was really nervous, but Then he just calmed his nerves. He has heard a lot about Charles Williams because he was the richest man in Los Vegas and, yeah, a well-known business tycoon. Peter was looking so, so charming. He was indeed a handsome man who every woman would dream of but being handsome without Money is just a waste of handsomeness because people want money not fine appearance but having the two together is Nice.

He was wearing a blue shirt with black jean. Furthermore, he looked casual, but the aura surrounding him was powerful. His demeanor started to Change from the First day he was kicked out of Raymond's house. Taking a look at his self in the mirror again, he smirked before he left the Room. The female servants around just looked at him with admiration in their eyes.

“Oh my God, he is so handsome!” One of the servants whispered to the other one and giggled cutely.

“Yeah I know. So handsome.” The other maid said, looking at Peter.

Peter ignored their stares as he went to the dinning room. He saw Collin, who was smiling at him. He returned the smile, lovely. “Good morning uncle.” He said and smiled lovely.

Collin smiled at him as his eyes sparkled. He liked the sound of peter Calling him 'Uncle'.

“Good morning Peter.” He returned the greeting. Peter nodded as he took a sit in the dinning room. The food was already set on the table. Peter couldn't deny the fact that he was being treated so well, and he loved the feeling. The smell of the food was entering his nose And he loved it. They both started having breakfast.

“How was your night?” Collin asked with care.

Peter paused and looked at Collin. He finished chewing the piece of food he had in his mouth before he replied. “My night was good, Uncle. I slept well.” He said and smiled, but the truth was that he didn't really sleep that well. He is a man And everything he has passed through just keep coming to his mind. He couldn't believe that he loosed his unborn child because he was poor. Not only that, but he couldn't even remember the last time someone asked him if he slept well.

Collin smiled “Alright, that's good. Let's just have and enjoy breakfast before we leave to see your father. Okay?”

“Oh okay.” He simply replied and focused on the food he was eating with a little smile.

After they were done with the eating. They Both stepped out of the mansion. Peter spotted a fiery red Ferrari. He just smiled because he was a massive fan of cars. Collin saw the look on his face as he couldn't help but ask. “Can you drive?” Peter looked at him and said. “Yeah, I can drive.”

“Nice. Why don't you drive, I will show you the location.” Collin said, and Peter smiled.

“Really?” Peter asked with his manly voice.

“Yes.” Collin replied and they both walked to the direction of the car. It was obvious that Peter was happy to drive the Ferrari.

They Both got inside the car and there was no driver. It was just the two of them in the car. Peter started the car and immediately started driving. Peter really enjoyed driving fast. After some minutes, they both arrived at The Williams estate. Peter was really amazed with what he was seeing. The Estate was colossal. The Williams Estate was where Charles Williams lives.

Driving inside the Big, luxurious mansion, Peter couldn't help but 'wow' in amusement. It was as if he were in paradise. This mansion was on fire. The decoration was out of this world. Collin just relaxed and enjoyed the drive.

Peter parked the car in the mansion compound. Some people were around, and they were just patiently waiting for them to come down. Charles has instructed every one of them to make sure that everything is done perfectly because his son was arriving. The chef has been cooking, and the maids has been working. Everyone has been working their butt out because of the arrival of Charles's son.

Collin first came out of the car with a smile on his face. Peter slowly came Down of the car. He was a little nervous to met his father. Immediately he came out of the car, all eyes were on him.

“Is that master Charles son?”

“Wow, he is so handsome.”

“He looks like Mr. Charles”

“He is so, so manly.”

Countless side talks were going on as they all Looked at Peter, who kept a straight face like he was not affected by their stare. Collin smile was expansive.

“Let's go Peter. Your father is waiting.” Collin said, and Peter nodded his head.

“Alright.” He said, and they Both of them walked inside the mansion. The servants greeted them with respect as they all looked at Peter. Immediately they were inside the mansion.

“Oh my goodness, my Son is here.” Charles said as he immediately walked towards them and immediately hugged Peter. Peter just froze in his spot. If anyone ever told him that Charles Williams, the famous billionaire CEO, would hug him so tightly, he would not believe it with passion. He was shocked, surprised, happy. He felt countless emotions inside him. Furthermore, he was happy to know that he has a father. Not only that, but he was happy to know that he has relatives, or at least people to call a family.

“Charles, he might die if you hug him like that.” Collin joked because Charles gave Peter a tight, bone crushing hug.

Charles immediately released Peter, who was just looking at him. Charles face was really glowing. Indeed, Peter Looked like his father. They both have the same color of eyes and similar facial structure. Just that Peter was a young version of Charles. Charles was a man in his mid-fifties, just like his brother, but he was one year older than Collin. He was tall and his green eyes were remarkable. Yeah, he had aged, but he looked handsome. His thick brows and Sharp, pointed noise was just like that of peter. His nice squared jaw was perfect.

Charles had tears of joy in his eyes as he looked at Peter. He couldn't believe that a fine man like Peter was his son. Peter was his only son, and he can't reproduce again because he is impotent. He wiped his tears And said, “wow. Peter, you don't know how happy I am to see you, my son.”

Peter just smiled a little, as he didn't know how to react. Collin, who saw that peter was not being that comfortable with Charles, just chuckled.

“It is Nice to see you Sir” He said, not knowing Whether he should call him Dad or father.

“Please call me Dad because I am your father.” Charles said with smiles.

“Oh alright Dad.” Peter said and smiled lovely.

“You are so grown, peter. Wow, I am thrilled to see you after all this year's I have a son.” Charles said and hugged him unexpectedly again.

This Time Peter returned his hug and Collin couldn't help but smile as he witnessed the father and son lovely and memorable moment.

Charles felt happiness And joy in his heart. He was happy, so happy. Charles has been in pain for years, and now all that pain has all vanished just by seeing his son.

Peter broke the embrace with a smile.

“How are you, my Son?” He asked.

“I am fine, Dad. I am just happy to meet you.” Peter honestly replied.

“Oh my dear. You are such a handsome man. You know you got it From me.” Charles bragged and Collin rolled his eyes. Peter just chuckled.

Charles just channelled all his attention on Peter, and he didn't even acknowledge Collin presence that much. Collin scoffed and smiled.

“So I am invisible now?”

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