Illusions kiss Reality

There was no anomaly with the timejumping this time as Michaela took her time to cry without the bother of what came next.

"C'mon! Let's get out of here now." Michael said to his sister who had cried her eyes out and was wiping them off already.

She really needed those cathartic tears and she slowly got up with her hands in her brother's as they retreated to take cover.

Before they could get to the concrete where they'd formerly taken cover, they time-jumped. This was a different experience in more ways than one. They arrived here in a change of clothes in what seemed like biological hazard prevention suits; an upgrade to the regular hazmat suits they'd known.

Something rained from the sky and danced off from their helmets to the ground. It wasn't rain, it was lighter and appeared to be dustier.

After a few seconds of fixed analysis, Michael realised that this was ash. It was raining ashes in the city of Pretoria, South Africa.

"What year are we in again?" Michael asked while tryin
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