006: Grandfather... How do I look?

Leo sniffed and nodded. He wiped the corner of his eyes and read the remaining part of the agreement. The few things Mr James mentioned to him earlier were in it.

He continued reading until he saw another baffling request in the agreement. "Grandfather!," He called out, making James turn to look at him sharply.

James already knows why Leo called his attention so he just stared back and waited to hear what he had to say. "I have to bear the family's name also?," Leo sounded confused.

James nodded. "After signing this agreement, you would be allowed to bear the family name. That is if you want to. Did you read it well? I am not making it compulsory for you to carry on my legacy. It's just a...," He let his words trail off.

Leo blinked. It's just what? Why is he leaving his words halfway? "I understand," He assured James and then swiftly signed in the required places.

He's gone through the agreement and has no other complaints. He has realized that everything written in the agreement is more beneficial to him than James.

After receiving such a good offer, what reason does he have to reject it? He handed the file to Salvatore and faced James. The latter still hasn't signed yet.

But Leo wasn't interested in finding out if he's having second thoughts, he only wants to express his gratitude,"Grandfather, thank you for entrusting me with this."

Just that little statement was enough to dispel the remaining worries in James mind and he signed the agreement.

He gave the file to Salvatore and smiled at James. "I hope you won't let me down." "Sir, I'll take my leave now. I'll have this drafted into a new agreement and bring the copies to you as soon as I can," Salvatore informed with a low bow.

"Thank you," James nodded, seeing him out of the office. "Goodbye Mr Salvatore," Leo didn't forget to express his own gratitude.

He stood back in the office, looking around. He only turned away when he heard the door creak. "Do you like it?," James' first words confused Leo.


"I mean the office. Do you like interior design? It's going to be yours. You can change anything you do not like," James stood beside him.

Leo nodded, momentarily speechless. He didn't know what to say. "Are you hungry? I don't know why someone still hasn't brought the meals," James complained, advancing to the telephone on his table.

Just as he reached out to take the telephone, he felt someone touch him. "Grandfather... Thank you," Leo's voice was quivering.

James was drawn back to a distant memory. He could see a little boy, the younger version Leo in front of him. "Grandpa, do you know father said I'll be like you someday!?," The boy asked in an intrigued tone.

"Of course. Leonardo can become whoever he wants to be. No one would dare to stop my godson!," He remembered declaring to the boy that time.

"Thank you grandpa!," the boy expressed his gratitude with a huge smile.

"I didn't know my godson has grown up to be a sentimental man," James teased Leo who seemed to realize that the old man enjoys teasing him.

"I only act this way towards loved ones," He immediately protested. His grumbling tone made James laugh.

"I'll ask someone to come up with the meal now. When you are ready, we have to go somewhere," James informed Leo. The latter nodded as usual.


Leo glanced at the receptionist desk on his way out. His lips quivered mischievously. His eyes stayed on the desk a few minutes before looking away and hurrying to catch up with James pace.

For an old man his age, his speed is very surprising. He got into James' car and the chauffeur drove off. His eyes strayed to the rear view mirror and he noticed the trail of cars following theirs, obviously the bodyguards.

"Grandfather... Where are we going?," He sat back and faced the man beside him. "You'll see," James tone intensified his curiosity and his eyes turned to the road.

He didn't expect that a few minutes later, the car would pull up in front of one of the most rated malls in the city. It's actually one of the outlets belonging to the Greene's.

James ignored his questioning look and got out of the car. He had no other option but to follow him. He didn't say a word as they walked into the mall.

It was the beautiful, elegant interior of the mall that captured his attention when he first walked in. Few staff came running to James. They looked flustered as they bowed to James and greeted Leo.

James acknowledged their greetings with a nod and called out to them,"What about the things I asked of you?" The man his words were directed to stepped out and bowed.

"Mr Greene, we have prepared the handmade wardrobe according to his fittings. It's only left for the young man to try the clothes on," he answered.

"Address him as Leo. He is my grandson," James informed them. The staff could have sworn that they saw an excited look on James face as he introduced Leo as his grandson.

However, their behavior took a serious turn. They couldn't dare to offend the old man's grandson. "This way please," The man that answered James earlier motioned to Leo. He appears to be the manager of the outfits in the mall.

"I hope the stylist you have gotten for my grandson is the best one in town," James reminded as the manager led Leo away.

"Of course sir... Nothing but the best. Be rest assured."

Before Leo knew what was happening, he'd already gotten a makeover. As he stood in front of the mirror checking out the outfit he was wearing.

The manager looked nervous as he asked Leo for the nth time,"Sir, do you like the outfit I have selected for you? Or perhaps, do you think it's too ordinary looking? I can get it changed for you in..."

"It's alright. I like this one. I feel comfortable in it," Leo interrupted his words as he did the last button of the shirt.

At first glance, you'd think he's wearing an ordinary shirt and pants without a designed logo but once you take a closer look, you'd realize that the clothes he's wearing are handmade with an expensive high quality fabric and definitely not an ordinary one.

The manager heaved a sigh of relief. He couldn't afford to lose this job due to his incompetence just in case Leo isn't satisfied.

Leo turned away from the mirror when he was fully satisfied with the way he looked. The manager immediately led him back to James before hurrying away to order some of the staff to pack up the remaining clothes and have it delivered to the Greene's house.

James' eyes lit up when Leo appeared. The man was starting to look like the one he used to remember. Leo smirked and asked,"Grandfather, how do I look?"

James coughed out of embarrassment of being caught staring. He looked away and mumbled,"Okay."

"Just okay," Leo sounded disappointed. "Doesn't it feel like you couldn't recognize me?"

"Shut up. I'd be able to recognize you anywhere. Let's go home. Everyone's waiting," James hurried away. Leo had to catch up with his pace once again while trying to hide the smile on his face.

The old man is actually intriguing. But he didn't disturb the man or ask any questions on the way.


Greene's mansion was located at the outskirts of town in a private estate. The estate belonged to only the descendants of the Greene's.

The family house was located at the heart of the estate. Leo couldn't stop looking out of the window as he took in the beauty of the mansion.

He'd already been fascinated by the beauty of the estate but now seeing the upscale mansion, it's mind blowing.

Whichever architect had designed the place must have put the work to heart. It was well designed in a typical old Greek layout.

Leo took notes of the design carefully. Being a jewelry lover, he'd been fascinated with design and arts. This mansion just seemed like beautiful artwork.

Even when he had multiple mansions, none could even come close to the beauty of this one. "Leo, are you going to keep looking at the mansion from the car or you would rather come out and see it from a closer view?," James voice snapped Leo out of his reverie.

The latter nodded and composed himself. Servants came rushing to the car as soon as they got out. Their sudden presence startled Leo.

"There's still more," James informed him, causing his eyes to widen as he briefly counted the number of servants before him.

There are like dozens of servants here and the old man is telling him there's still more! What do they even need so many servants for!?

"Welcome home master... Welcome home young master," They chorused. Leo nodded while James waved at them.

"Shall we?," He nudged Leo.

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