The head lawyer is worst.


Elena drove away from the army area in a crazy speed and after losing the armies who seemed to have drove back, we slowed down and stopped the car.

The three of us sighed in relief and tried to catch our breathes. I released the breath I never knew I was holding and closed my eyes tightly trying to calm myself down.

"That was close, we were almost caught." Elena said excitedly earning a glare from Aliyah.

"Are you kidding me? You are excited about that?" she asked and pinched Elena on her shoulder.

"Ouch Aliyah."

I looked at the file I was holding and seeing the name, my heart skipped a beat. Because of this file, my friends and I almost got into trouble and we had to escape in a dangerous way. If I had fallen down wrongly, I wouldn't be looking at the file I was holding. If we were caught, that would have being the end of our careers. The end of our dreams. All because of a file.

"You shouldn't be excited about this. Aurora fell from a twenty store
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