Marriage Plan

“Do you like the ring?” Shawn asked Luna.

“Yes, I really like it. This is a very beautiful and expensive ring. Thank you darling. You know me so well how to make me happy." Luna kissed Shawn's cheek once more. Shawn replied by hugging the girl's waist.

"Tonight, I will take you to dinner with my family, I will talk to them about our wedding plans. What do you think?"

"Is that true? Oh, of course, I totally agree. But, am I beautiful enough to meet your parents tonight?”

"You're always beautiful all the time, honey."

“But I still feel insecure. I think I'll have to buy some clothes."

"Okay, I'll buy it for you."

"Oh, that's very kind of you."

That night, Shawn took Luna to his house. "Mommy, Daddy, this is Luna, my lover."

Winston and Battrice glanced at a girl who standing next to Shawn.

"Aren't you Kenneth's lover?" Winston asked Luna. Winston remembered that Luna often came to his office and Kenneth had also introduced Luna as his girlfriend.

Luna looked nervous at Winston's questio
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