Chapter 6: Ghost

Today is Charun's first day as hermes assistant. Charun went to school with a smile that kept growing on his face. He is very happy and excited today with his new title as assistant to hermes.

While on his way to school, he smelled rotten eggs. He looked for the smell but couldn't find it.

"It smells like rotten eggs. Where do you think this smell is coming from?” Charun said while looking around him.

Having not found the origin of the smell, he left and ignored it.

Then he continued on his way to school. When he was at the school gate, he saw a small child like himself who was wearing shabby clothes staring at him.

"Hello," said Charun greeting him.

The little boy was just silent and did not pay attention to Charun.

"Why is he weird, his clothes are messy too," muttered Charun leaving the child.

Charun is a little confused about his condition this morning. He noticed some strange things this morning.


"Hello students," said Hermes.

"Hello sir," they answered.

"Are you ready for what I'm going to give you today?" Hermes asked excitedly.

"Ready sir," said all the students in unison.

All the students were very enthusiastic about Hermes' words this morning, except for 1 student who had been silent all this time.

“Charun, are you all right?” hermes asked.

"I'm fine sir," replied Charun in shock.

"Okay if you're really okay. Are you doing well in my classes, or are you sick right now?” Hermes asked.

"I'm fine sir. I can take this class very well sir.”Charun replied.

Charun really wanted to tell him about the incident that had happened to him this morning, but he was still thinking positively. Maybe it's all normal.

After the recess bell rang, Charun headed to the library to find a book that matched the material Hermes presented today.

While on the way to the library, he saw a middle-aged man who was wearing old Japanese clothes, but his blood was dripping down his shoulders.

When he saw the figure, Charun was very scared. In fact, he even screamed.

“Aaaaaaa!” Charun shouted which startled everyone in the place.

Now all eyes are on Charun, while Charun still doesn't notice because he is closing his eyes.

Charun is still very scared and doesn't want to open his eyes.

"Hey char. What's wrong with you?" said one of his friends by patting Charun's shoulder.

"Go, don't bother me!" Charun snapped at his friend.

"What's the matter with you Charun, It's me Masha your friend." Said the girl trying to wake Charun from her fear.

Upon hearing the name, Charun immediately opened his eyes. He found that everyone was looking at him in amazement. He was so embarrassed right now. moreover, when he saw Masha was also very worried about her condition.

"Are you alright?" asked masha.

"I'm fine Masha, thank you," replied Charun who left everyone.

Charun refuses to go to the library. He decided to find hermes to tell him about the state of this data and everything that had happened to him this morning.

"Where is Mr. Hermes at this time, I have to talk to him," said Charun who rushed to the Hermes room.

Charun is walking very fast. He wanted to immediately meet Hermes at this time. there were many things he wanted to tell his teacher.

After arriving in front of Hermes' room, Charun knocked on the door carefully so as not to disturb his teacher's busy life.

Charun is a polite child even in all situations. He will maintain his attitude wherever he is because he thinks it is very necessary for children, especially his age.


"Excuse me Mr. Hermes, good afternoon sir," said Charun behind the door.

"Yes please come in," answered Hermes.

Seeing Charun in a bad condition, Hermes immediately asked about his condition. It seems very clear that at this time Charun was very pale and scared. As long as Hermes taught him, he had never seen Charun in such a state of fear.

"Why are you char. Are you okay," said Hermes who immediately approached Charun.

Charun was still silent and didn't answer hermes' words. This time he became nervous to say something to his teacher.

"Charun come on answer, what's wrong with you?" hermes asked.

"Sir, I experienced a strange incident this morning," said Charun who immediately hugged Hermes tightly.

"What kind of strange incident do you mean, Charun?" Hermes asked while calming his student.

“I saw strange people, sir, this morning, even until this afternoon. I smelled jasmine flowers, I saw small children in shabby clothes at the gate, and I also saw adults like fathers wearing old clothes when I walked to the library," said Charun while recounting what happened today.

"I've seen that shirt before, sir, when I was reading my father's ancient book," continued Charun.

Hermes was still focused on what Charun said. He looked closely at the meaning of Charun's words.

"Have you ever been bullied by the strange people you told me about?" asked hermes to be sure.

Hermes didn't want anyone to disturb Charun, including the unsettled spirits. He loves Charun very much and will always take care of him. What's more, Charun's current position is his assistant.

"No sir, I'm just afraid because they are very scary," said Charun who hugged Hermes again.

"I saw blood, pale face, and other things I didn't like, sir. It was very unpleasant. I am very scared.

Before, I've never seen people like them, sir," he continued.

Hermes was pitiful when he saw the state of Charun who was very frightened at the moment. he continued to calm his disciple to reduce the fear he was feeling at this time.

"Already Charun, you calm down huh. You'll be fine, you try to drink first, "said Hermes by handing water to the student.

Currently in Hermes room only the two of them. They look very close like father and son.

"When did you see all this?" hermes asked.

"I started seeing him this morning, sir. I am very scared. Did I do something wrong sir?" said Charun who was still crying.

"Have you ever done anything wrong?" hermes asked.

"I don't think so, sir. I go about my activities as usual, have breakfast, study, read, and other activities that I usually do," replied Charun.

Hermes began to think that Charun had an advantage after becoming his assistant. Hermes was still trying to study story after story that had been told by Charun earlier.

"Is it true that he has these advantages?" Hermes asked himself.

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