The Stranger

Aura protested loudly. Emir's jaw gradually became stiff. He could no longer restrain himself. He squeezed Aura's cheek and brought Aura to his face-to-face at once and gritted his teeth and said,

"Are you committed that you will never listen to me? Exaggeration in everything, exaggeration in everything. Once, you were going to die from this excess. If it had been a minute back and forth that day, you would not have had the opportunity to stand in front of me and talk so much today. Do you have any idea who sent the note? No! His intentions may be bad. Why don't you try to understand we are in danger there.Yet, your persistence is paramount to you. What if you don't go! What will happen once you hear me! I don’t know what's wrong with you. Always ready to put yourself in danger. Hey, listen to me. If you try to take a step forward from here, I'll break your leg."

Emir said the words in one breath. Aura noticed a combination of accusation and arrogance in Emir's eyes. Someone else migh
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