Chapter 07

Davinc - [P.O.V]

She placed the knife to my neck.

Tears slid from her eyes as she looked at me, so bitter that I existed in her life.

My eyes watered back in return.

Aunt Catherine was dying.

And here I am, almost killed too.

"Vida." I called her name.

"What's the matter... Get out of my life already!" She shouts in tears and I stared back at her feeling even more bad.

I turned, acting as though I wanted to leave before I turned, kicking the knife out of her hand.

I wish I could tell her the truth.

"Vida... Did I do something wrong?" I asked her.

"You have a few minutes to leave my sight, and No... Of Course you didn't!" She ironically said in an angry tone before she grabbed a cup of wine while looking at me in rage

"I don't understand babe." I said coming closer to her but she hit my hand off and I stood surprised.

"Don't fucking call me your baby!" She yells.

"Why?" I was confused.

"You want to use me to get money from the family right?" She said looking at her body.

"I feel strange." She adds choking.

"That drink... So... Your goal was to get me drunk and then rape me right?" She looked at me.

"Vida... I didn't bring the alcohol... You did... And you and we had. Decent." I said in my defence but then she gets up.

"You wanted to take advantage of my Virginity Davinc... Do you know how priceless that was to me?" She asked, upset as she stood in my front looking straight into my eyes.

"But Vida... Aren't you my wife?" I asked her only for her to land me a slap over my face.

"So that is why you came here... No wonder you get satisfaction staying... From today henceforth... You're not allowed to talk to me again!" She said, looking at me.

"But Vida..." I said before she interrupted me.

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say... There I was lying... to myself that I was never going to be yours... But here I am... Used." She said to me before laughing like a maniac.

"Vida!" I said to her and she turned to look at me.

"Don't talk to me." She says to me as she heads into the toilet and refreshes herself.

I got into the huge toilet as well, refreshing myself too before I got out waiting for her to come out.

I needed to talk to her the soonest.

As soon as she got out... I spoke.

"Cora we need to talk?" I said to her.

"I thought we just finished establishing a proper boundary?" She said rudely to me 

"You know, It is not really nice to play with your integrity, I never thought you would lie about helping me just because you were trying to get rid of me." I said to her as she looked at me.

"Well you deserve whatever you are facing."

"I wasn't the one that sent you into my life Davinc! I have needs, and to be sincere... You can't afford my needs Davinc."

"I have to marry someone of my status if not... They might be serious issues." She tried talking to me but I didn't listen to her.

"That wasn't what I wanted to talk about." I said to her.

"Really... What is it then?" She asked.

"I need the money Vida... My aunty is about to die." I said to her as she walked closer to me.

"Since you insist... I will tell you how to get the money." She said to me and I opened my ears to listen to her as she came closer to my ears.

"Sign a divorce!" She said before pushing me off her way as she headed to dress up.

Vida was not going to help me either.

I wondered what other way that I could save my auntie's life.

Staying in the house felt like I was living a fake life as my aunty Catherine is out there dying.

A knock gets heard over the door and Vida heads to open the door in return.

"Vida, Granny wants to hold a meeting about her next successor, you must be present in fifteen minutes time." Vida's mother said before she looked further in and her eyes met with me bare chested.

Then she looks at Vida who turns to look at me in disgust. I looked like a disgrace to them.

Her mother then leaves and Vida turns to look at me.

"Well... Is this how you want to meet up with granny at the family hall today?" She asked while I was putting on just a towel.

"Of Course not." I replied back to her removing the towel which revealed my early morning hardness and she turns to look away.

I soon dressed up looking casual.

Vida dressed up in her suit as well.

Then she led the way as I followed her from behind looking at her clearly mad shape.

Could it be... All her words yesterday night were as a result of the alcohol she had earlier drank?

She was actually ready to kill me.

Different thoughts began to go through my head, I was feeling unstable.

But they didn't last long as there was only one thing ringing inside... Over and over again.

The life of my aunty.

It was at serious stake here.

We soon reached the family parlour.

I looked to see Vida's relatives who were all seated from different corners.

Granny was not yet present.

She was the boss so I guess she could come at the time that she felt pleased to come.

Then the entrance door opens and it's Bernard.

Our both eyes meet and I could tell that he could see fire in my eyes.

The bastard was admiring Vida's shape in her hot looking suite.

Something that actually annoyed me.

I wanted to delete him from her history if I could.

She's my wife isn't it!

"Oh wow, the good for nothing son in law is here... In a family meeting where he is not even welcomed in." Bernard said standing by the side of Vida's parents who were both glaring at I and Vida.

Vida turned back to look at me.

"No matter what... Please avoid asking anyone for help and please try not to talk to me." She said to me and I nodded in acceptance.

I was so unworthy to her that she didn't want me even talking to her at all.

But at least... I could make that bastard jealous.

I took further closer steps towards Vida.

Keeping my dick bulge directly over her ass.

I didn't look at it either.

I acted as though all my concentration and focus was on waiting for Mrs Montero to come into the hall and speak.

I was purposely romancing her just so that I could get Mr. Bernard really upset.

I could see him burning in jealousy.

Then he walks up to me.

"You filthy poor thing... You should leave already before granny comes here and catches you." He said to me as though I was a kid.

He keeps his stare seductively concentrated over my lips... Causing me to feel weird as well.

I wondered what he was thinking about.

"Greetings everyone!" A voice storms the entire parlour and everyone immediately turns around arranging themselves in return while Mrs Montero storms into the hall.

She had a very powerful presence.

"Today I held this meeting, so that I can successfully share the inheritance of this family to who will take over all the organisations and companies that have been built by my husband... if some certain things could be done... I will therefore consider giving that person all the exclusive rights over everything that is under me." she said and Vida turned to look at Bernard who was by the other side now staring back at her.

Like the goat that he is.

"And I know that you all would want to know what price has to be paid in order for me to allow any of you to inherit over 600 billion dollars that my husband had left for his entire family before he died, right?" she asked looking back at me for a while before smiling in return as they rest nodded a yes to her.

"I once looked at my granddaughter - Vida as someone that will grow up one day with her intelligence to take care of the wealth of this family but I think I was wrong hoping for a good future for Vida."

"She ended up marrying a son of a poor unknown man signed by my husband and this is the reason why I cannot let her inherit the wealth of this family." Miss Montero says and the rest of the family began to mock Vida under their breaths.

I could see that for their granny to even rate Vida as the best to inherit the families was already making them hate and envy her.

They began laughing sheepishly as they stared at her who was standing still while looking straight at her grandmother who was staring back at her as well.

I stood thinking for a while.

Was I this worthless and useless?

They even used me to Mock my wife.

No atom of respect was given to her or me.

I felt bad for her especially.

And I didn't blame her parents for hating me either, the truth is I had nothing to offer.

"But rest assured... Whoever will be taking all the assets that my husband had left for his company we have to accomplish five tasks and the first task is as follows..." She said standing on her feet.

So this family has six hundred billion dollars.

No wonder they're stinky rich.

Obviously one of the richest families in the country if I'm right.

"Let me start with the so-called Witech incorporation... Of which my husband has been trying in all his ways to ensure that he brings down... Hence they have refused to back out"

"They accepted us to be their lifetime competitor, which means that we're supposed to be even richer than we are right now." She said.

"So! whoever can buy all the assets of the company so that our company can own at least 99% of the company's shares would be really appreciated with this family's wealth if that can be done as soon as possible! so that the soul of my husband can finally be at peace." She said.

"This is just my first task... Who is willing?" She asked.

Everyone was silent.

"Who will accept this challenge?" She asked again.

I looked at Vida who looked sad.

She has been insulted and thrown into the lowest of rank because of me.

After this meeting, I think it would be best if I just leave her house.

Especially since she will be unable to help me with the money in need to save Catherine.

Vida needed her peace from an unknown man's poor son who came in rags and is stressing her life everyday with her bearing and tolerating me for days.

I wished things could be different.

Maybe things would change by the time I am gone.

I touched Vida and she looked back at me.

Her eyes were red already.

I guess the insults and humiliation granny had given to her must really hurt her so bad that she began to cry in return.

My heart began to melt seeing her in that situation... I wanted it to stop.

"You should give it a shot." I said to her.

My spirit felt like encouraging her so she could do what is best for herself, instead of watching her hide her wounded heart as her eyes were reddened from humiliation.

"Witech incorporation isn't a small company though but I can help you pass this task Vida." I said behind her before she turned.

She kept looking at me before she turned back.

"I accept your challenge." She said and everyone immediately turned to look at her with shock.

She has suddenly dared the same granny who just told her that she would be a useless grand daughter and wife of a useless son-in-law.

Granny looked at her surprised.

I could see that she was wondering where Vida's boldness had suddenly come out from.

"I have heard about that Company... It is impossible for her to strike buying such a huge amount of assets." One of her cousins mocked her and the rest of the family members began to laugh at her.

"Enough!" Vida's granny silenced the parlour.

"Indeed you are my blood Vida!"

"Achieve these first tasks and I will let you know the second tasks and for the rest of you... I hope you become as valuable as Vida is." Granny said before leaving.

My phone began ringing.

I picked it only to hear Catherine's doctor.

"Rush!" He shouts.

I could hear Catherine crying in pain.

"She's dying." He said before the call cuts.

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