Locked Away.

Even though Alves knew that there was no point struggling with the cops, yet he tried to put up a fight. He was quite a realistic person, but at that moment, logic had nothing on him. He was so pained and pissed off that he just wanted to exchange fists. In his mouth was,

"Bullshit! Bullshit!! Fucking Bullshit!!!"

He took beatings. Several punches in his face. His cheeks folding in at the effect of the angry fists. To think that police men could be this brutal towards a SUSPECT left him speechless. Literally.

Both sides of his mouth had blood trailing off. He could feel pain in his nose. He must have broken it at the ruthless contacts.

He was shoved into the van of the cops before he could have himself a moment to think. He should ask them who sent them. He had an idea who it was. But it was strange.

He knew Madam to be plain whenever she wanted to attack him. She had nothing to lose, so she didn't make attempts hiding her true color.

He could remember vividly that Madam humiliate
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