Chapter - 7: The struggle for money Part-3

As I headed towards the guild I was so hungry, as it was going to be noon after some time and after I ate my dinner I didn’t eat anything and I even worked for 2 hours in a shithole(public toilet) without eating. I thought after grabbing my money I would buy some food first.

After some time, I arrived at the guild. When I entered the guild, I saw Miss Cat-ears smiling, a truly wonderful sight to behold. But as I stared at her smile I realized how far off the world between us is. Here I am struggling for even the tiniest amount of money and there she is surrounded by the hottest guys in the guild.

I know I am weak right now, but I don’t want to compromise for a stupid reason like that. I can become strong if I work hard and, of all things, I have my brain to overcome any challenges. So, there is no way I will compromise this time. 

In my previous life, I had too many crushes, but I was never able to propose to even a single one of them because I was afraid and weak of getting rejected. So I just ignored my feelings and moved on. As I moved on, my regrets started to keep on piling up and became a headache.

I don’t want that kind of regret anymore and I will most definitely become strong in this life such that I can propose to Miss Cat-ears without the fear of getting rejected.

As I was heading to the reception while remembering the regrets of my previous life, Miss Cat-ears called me.

“Oh, so you have completed the request already, and what is with that gloomy look?” She replied with the same sarcastic tone she uses whenever she talks to me and, believe me, she looks beautiful even when she is sarcastic.

“Ah, it's nothing, and… this is the request paper,” I replied.

She takes the request paper from my hand and checks it.

"Yeah, you completed the request successfully, here is 80 pero for the request completion."

I grabbed the 80 pero and put it inside my pocket.

"Thank you very much, is there any other request for me?"

"Yeah, there is a request from a local to clean his resident."

"Oh, so it is a home cleaning service this time. How much is the pay?"

"Home cleaning service?... Well, whatever, the pay is 70 pero. Here is the request paper."

"Thank you very much, I will be right back."

I took the request paper and headed outside. As I was hungry, I headed to the market area before the location of the request. I saw the same stall as I had seen previously in the morning. I headed toward that stall, and asked the fruit vendor,

"Hello, please give me two apples which cost 5 pero each."

"Yes, why not, here are the apples and the total cost is 10 pero." The fruit vendor replied.

"Yes, here is your 10 pero, thank you for the apples."

"You're welcome."

I grabbed the apples and ate them as I headed toward the location of the request. I saw a park on my way, so I stopped by to rest. After a while, I started heading to that particular location when I finished eating apples. After some time, I arrived at the location of the owner of that request.

It doesn't seem like a house that needs cleaning or remodeling, but let's just head inside and see my request. I knocked at the door of that house and, after some time, sounds of footsteps approached the door and the door opened.

"Hello, I am here for a house cleaning request."

"Yeah, I can see that, come with me." A giant man with a huge beard replied to me with a heavy voice.

"Yeah, OK"

Then he took me to the nearby residence, which was at some distance from his residence. I arrived at that place and saw that the house was not well-maintained and there was a lot of trash in every corner of the house. Small plants started growing from the ceiling. It felt like this house had been abandoned for quite a lot of time.

"This will be the place of your request." The request owner said to me.

" OK, and where can I find my equipment?"

"Here is your equipment and come to my house after you complete cleaning. I will go now and leave you to your work."

"Yeah, I will get on it straight away."

He left after giving me some equipment to clean the house. So, I headed straight inside and started cleaning. This task was also not easy, as the house was abandoned and no matter how much I tried, the stain marks on the floor did not go easily. So, it was a tough job but I stayed patient and kept on cleaning. Even though it was taking more time, it was not that much physically staining.

After 3 hours of hard work, I completed my request and started heading back to the house of the owner of the request. I knocked on the door and the giant man came across me again.

"So, you have completed the request. Let's check out the building and confirm your completion." He replied.

"Yes sir, why not..."

We went to the abandoned building which I had just cleaned. The giant man started checking the building, and after some time he came back to me and said:

"Very well, you have completed your request. Give me the paper so I can sign them up."

Then I took out the request paper and handed it over to the giant man. He took out the stamp and slammed it on my paper. Well... he sure signed it in style.

"Thank you so much, sir," I replied.

Then I took the signed paper and headed toward the guild to confirm the request and get the money. It is almost evening and I made a total of 150 pero. I still have some energy left, so let's take one more request, and then I will call it a day.

I headed to the guild and after some time I arrived. I approached the reception and talked to Miss Cat-ears.

"Hello, this is the request confirmation paper, will you please check?"

"Oh, you completed the request already? Let me check." She replied.

I handed her the paper and she began to check it. After some time,

"Yes, you have completed the request, here is your 70 pero."  She further added.

"Thank you very much, is there any other request?"

"You can always check for G-rank requests on the notice board behind me."

"Why is the G-rank notice board separate from other notice boards?"

"That is because the people in G-rank are temporary and G-rank requests are in a different category from other ranks"

"Oh okay, I will check out the request right now."

Then I headed towards the notice board and saw only one request paper pasted there. It was the milk delivery request I took yesterday and also the address is also the same. So, I took the request paper to reception.

"Can I take this request please?" I asked the receptionist.

"Yeah, this request is available right now, so you can take it. The reward for this request is 50 pero and once you complete the request, come here for confirmation."

"OK, then I will be on my way now."

After taking the request paper, I headed to the farm I visited yesterday. After some time, I arrived at the farm. I saw the two milk cans outside the farmer's house. I headed inside and talked to the request owner

"Hello sir, I have come here again for the milk delivery request."

"Oh, so you are here again. The milk cans are outside and take them to the shop I told you about yesterday."

"Oh...OK, I will get going."

I took the milk cans, one on my back and one with both hands, and started heading to the shop's location. This time around, I had less rest along the way, so the delivery went smoothly. I reached my destination in 2.5 hours. I approached the shop owner and said:

"Hello sir, here is your milk delivery."

The shop owner checks the milk cans and signs the paper of the request. Then I headed to the guild for the confirmation of the request.

I arrived at the guild after some time. I confirmed the request and took 50 pero from the receptionist.

After taking the money from the guild, I headed outside. It was getting dark as I headed to the inn.

I saw the street lights lit up on my way. When I inspected the surrounding area, I didn't see a single piece of wire connecting them. Maybe it is some kind of magic or some other technology.

As I was observing the street lights, I headed to the inn.

After some time, I arrived at the inn. I headed inside and approached the innkeeper and asked

"I want a place to stay and something to eat. Here, take this 75 pero."

"Oh! What a surprise, so you are no longer broke now?"

"Yeah, I got some money from today's request."

"Okay, here is the food, but there are limitations on the number of servings today. You can only get either 2 pieces of bread and 2 bowls of soup or 3 pieces of bread and a bowl of soup for 35 pero."

"Oh, okay then can you give me 3 pieces of bread and a bowl of soup please."

"Here is your order sir, enjoy!"

Today I made a total of 200 pero from the full day of hard labor and I am really tired right now. I spent 10 pero on apples and 75 pero on dinner and a warm bed. I hope the bed is warm, unlike last night. So, at the end of the day, I had 115 pero remaining. At least I will not have any more money problems for some days. I also like some new clothes as these clothes are too dirty.

I think if I continue working like this I may be able to make 500 pero in no time and then I will do the 3-months training and become strong such that I don't have to compromise anything ever again.

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