39. Remembering Harris.

When they came back to the court as they were still discussing the staff and how Bradley Rogers could not discern what was strange about the weapon he had made.

Eric Claus, who was getting sick of the continuous talk, had to say. "Please, let's forget talking about this staff. It makes me confused and as though I should stop using it and get a new one."

"No, there will be no need for that. You are good with the staff," King Luca said to him. He personally had seen the way he skillfully brought down three orcs, if not four because he was at the verge of killing another before he was knocked away to death.

"Thank you," he appreciated that the King was willing to draw the talk to a close.

Since they had stopped talking about the staff as he had pleaded, he then raised another topic. "So, which city are we marching to next?"

King Luca was amazed that he was talking about marching for war again seeing that he had just come back from the land of the dead. For sure he was against this as it
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