025: First Evaluation
So that's what happened.

Player Association was currently experiencing an infiltration from a heinous guild or more so one of the top five guilds called Rugal. This guild was formed as an anti-government or those who think that the government was always at fault.

"I see, so that's why this man was too tense huh?" I mumbled to myself as I looked at Troy's face intensively.

"I-I'm really sorry sir!" Troy said.

"It's also my fault for twisting your arm."

[LOCATION: Executive's Director Office]

*Knocking Sound*

"You may come in"

As I walked in, I noticed a man in his thirties standing in front of the window, gradually turning his attention to me.

"Ahh, so you're here, Theodore!" He said.

"And you are?" I asked as I showed a curious expression on my face.

"Sorry for my late introduction. I am Joshua, an executive director of Player Association." He bowed as he speak.

"Where was that old man? I thought he would provide me a new identity card." I asked as I peered out every cor
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