Different paths Among Golems
Alec gasped as he watched all that was happening.

He was really curious to see what the new golem would turn out to look like.

Even though he had watched Legion go through this process of evolution before, he was still extremely curious to see how this new golem would look.

The mana started transforming the golem as it grew taller all of a sudden.

"Ohhhh," both Arthur and Brandon could not keep their mouths closed as they watched the golem grow tall to the same height as Legion.

"Why do I feel like I am witnessing the birth of another monster like Legion?" Arthur questioned, nobody in particular.

"Definitely because the aura it’s releasing is almost as suffocating as the one Legion released the moment he became a Tier 1 golem," Brandon replied to Arthur’s question in a very detailed way that it gave even him cringes just thinking of fighting another monster on the level of Legion.

Just as they were making suggestions, the transformation of the Axe-wielding golem had ended.

It was a
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