Yore remembrance.

One girl coughed a little and expressed a fake smile while saying, "Mam, I am your biggest fan."

Priscilla chuckled a bit and responded: "Wow! Then I feel great to see my fans smoking and bad-mouthing about me even if they are on the edge of their big mistakes."

Another girl replied: "Mam, we didn't know that it was you I mean we are not doing all this to enjoy our lives. Everyone has their personal problems, so do ours. Likewise we poor and homeless people release our tension by smoking."

Noah: "Do you think that what you are doing is right for your life I mean it is going to harm yourself not anyone else and what do you think about tension? Moreover, depression or tension cannot be released by doing such kind of stupid act."

A girl: "Sir you might be right but we have our reasons to do that."

Priscilla: "What reasons made you smoke that badly?"

Another girl: "We are pissed off with this life, the people around us. They just like to behave like slaves we hate being poor. Sorry to let
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