Ethone Continent - Reincarnation
Ethone Continent - Reincarnation
Author: Spotted Cat
Chapter 1: New Start

Ethone Continent is a continent that developed both economically and in martial arts, but due to the passage of time, martial arts civilization has become forgotten. People no longer pay attention to martial arts, the era of innovation and development of science and technology brings many benefits to people.

However, there are still many families that still inherit martial arts, still focusing on developing martial arts.

In Ethone continent there are no countries, only cities divided by caste.

At this time, in the city of GX.

Inside a mental hospital named Chris Hani Bari, a young man with a normal appearance, and a pale face lying on the bed, motionless.

His name is Venn, but he is no longer the second Venn of the Dennis family.

Venn has been here for three days. To be more precise, it's been three days since he came back to life. Although three days were short, it was enough for him to understand his current situation.

Venn originally came from the Balro continent. His family there was a relatively small family of magicians. The continent of Balro is a continent with advanced science, far surpassing the continent of Ethone. Moreover, that place is also a place where magic, science, and technology exist. Magicians in the mainland are divided into beginner, intermediate, college, and god.

Magic in the Balro Continent through absorbing energy to become a mage. Magicians can create fire, water, and lightning... But in the continent of Balro, which is full of dangers, there are beasts, so wars take place continuously. 

Because we want to defend against foreign invaders, together with the defense of resource wars between nations. Therefore, humans on the Balro Continent constantly cultivate to become magicians, and on the other hand, constantly develop science and technology.

Venn is a person with a bright personality, not fussy about details, and is a very generous person. He is not only a high-level electronics researcher but also a drug researcher, a true magician.

During a trip out, he was killed by a group of strangers, but fortunately, his soul passed through the continent of Ethone and entered the body of a person with the same name as him. But what surprised him was that this person was of course locked in a mental hospital, and was married.

 Venn smiled faintly. Unexpectedly in this strange continent of Ethone, he became a son-in-law. Because in the Balro Continent, I have never interacted with women

After three days of fusion, Venn learned the identity of this body and where he was. According to this person's old memory, the place where he came back to life was a place called the continent of Ethone. But science is several hundred years behind the Balro continent. In other words, fall behind.

And this body of mine is also called Venn. The third child of Rod Dennis, the head of the Dennis family. Dennis can be considered as the powerful family inside the Ethone continent.

Before that, Venn was not mentally ill. He was originally a spoiled, corrupt, gambling, unwise teenager. But he has no aptitude for business or office. Among Dennis' younger brothers, money is indispensable. But at least they can do something more than just play around.

Rod Dennis has three sons. He was very disappointed with his second son Venn, and directly let go. Dennis has a large fortune but also has no shortage of heirs to the fortune. So, three years ago, he insisted that Venn stay at Anne's house, then gave him some inheritance and let him live or die.

Even though Venn couldn't stand it, Dennis wouldn't let him in the house arbitrarily. Either because of politics or for some other reason, he is the son-in-law in the Anne family, his wife is the child of Jeff Anne, the head of the Anne clan. Anne's family is a middle-class family, Dennis's family has many business connections.

Because she is a son-in-law, Anne's family is extremely despised.

He and his wife, Bonnie Anne, have been out for a month. Bonnie also bought a house.

However, two years ago, Venn suddenly fell ill. Although he was treated in time, he later became a regular customer of the mental hospital. Once sick, he immediately beat and burned things around, like mad dogs. So he usually has to stay here for a month, if better someone will come to pick him up. Normally, it was his mother who invited the nanny to bring Venn back to his place.

But this time, Venn has been here for three months. However, Venn is no longer the corrupt Venn as before, but the Venn of the Balro continent. Someone should have come to pick him up soon. But after a long wait, still, no one got him back. Only one assistant came in each day, bringing the books Venn had finished reading and exchanging them for another.

Regarding Venn's transformation, Venn's always-caring aide is the most obvious. Even knowing that Venn's mental illness is very difficult to cure. But these days, Venn not only doesn't hit people, doesn't scold people, but also calls herself an aunt. And ask me to help him bring some books for him to see.

 Currently, Venn had just finished reading a magazine and was staring blankly at the ceiling.

His state was not good, just a gust of wind could cause him to fall. But he tested and confirmed that he could absorb energy, becoming a mage again.

Although he made many mistakes, he believes that he can overcome them. No other reason, just a kind of feeling. But now he cannot practice. His body is really weak. Only after having a good body can Venn start planning to cultivate.

Most recently through books and magazines, Venn has identified a bit about the shaman. It's a bit of an old legend. But Venn wouldn't claim that there were no mages on the Ethone site. After all, legends must have some basis to be able to pass on to the next generation.

- Get dressed, follow me.

An emotionless sound like ice echoed through the door.

Venn's head. A comedian whose beauty scares me when I stand at the door. But she is as hard as ice. Words also don't carry any emotional nuances. Venn immediately knew who this person was, Bonnie Anne. However, a large part of Venn's memory is gone, but a weak part of the positional memory remains.

Bonnie Anne sees this as an agreement between Dennis and Anne so that Anne can collaborate with Dennis on an upcoming project. Indeed, Anne also made good use of this marriage. Rod Dennis picked a few lines that might not give Anne a good spot. Even without Rod Dennis talking, just get word that Anne has a son-in-law who is Rod Dennis' son

 The truth is that Rod Dennis wouldn't care much for Venn. But anyway the news that Anne's son-in-law was his son spread everywhere. Despite knowing Anne's words, Rod Dennis said nothing more. Whatever Anne's family wanted to do after that, Rod Dennis didn't care.

Venn's mother was in a hurry, but there was nothing she could do. Rod Dennis ordered. If you ever go to the hospital to pick up another uneducated psychopath, kick the mother and daughter out of GX City.

However, Venn's mother, Erina Jane, still wanted to pick up Venn but was detained by Rod Dennis. Erina Jane is nominally not Rod Dennis' ex-mistress but just a small page. And a woman like her, Rod Dennis has a few as well.

Unable to pick up Venn, Erina Jane relied on Venn's wife, Bonnie Anne. Hopefully, she can come back to pick up Venn again. But Erina Jane knew that this hope was not great.

Although Bonnie Anne is alone, Bonnie Anne hopes that Venn will never return. Besides, Venn has been in a mental hospital for more than two months. Although she felt very happy, she couldn't pretend she didn't know.

Glancing at Bonnie Anne, Venn Dennis said nothing, slowly putting on his coat.

- Bonnie, are you here to pick me up?

He asked, his voice slightly raspy from disuse.

Bonnie Anne nodded, a small smile on her face. She was relieved that Venn Dennis seemed to be in good spirits today.

- Yes, Venn. Are you ready to go home? 

She asked kindly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Venn Dennis nodded in response, then turned to the nurse who had been taking care of him.

- I have finished reading this book. Thank you! You've been very kind to me during my stay here.

Bonnie Anne watched as Venn Dennis handed the book back to the nurse, a slight pang of worry in her chest. She knew that Venn Dennis had a history of mental illness, and that his episodes tended to recur every few weeks. She hoped that this time, he would be able to stay stable for a little longer.

"Thank you for coming to get me, Bonnie. I don't like it here."

Bonnie Anne patted his arm reassuringly, her heart breaking for the man who was trapped in a never-ending cycle of madness and sanity. She didn't know how to help him, but she was determined to do what she could.

But for now, all she could do was take Venn home and hope for the best.

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