10 He's either a lunatic or he's a bad joker

"...huff huff"

Green panted heavily as they both arrived at the White Lion House after a very tiring run from the seniors that had tried to bully him.

"I think we were able to shake them off successfully"

Ryan said as he searched for any sign that they were followed but he didn't see any.

"Thank you for what you did back there"

Green said in appreciation,


Ryan chuckled nervously as if to tell Green to forget about it,

"So what class are you in?"

He asked Green as they entered the elevator and ascended to the third floor,

"Year 1 A, what about you?"

"I'm in Year 1 A too, I guess we'll be seeing each other more often then"

Ryan said cheerily


Green thought

'Is he already considering me as his friend?'

Before Green could say anything contradictory, Ryan said

"Alright, here's my room. I'll catch you later"

With those words, he entered a room that had the numbers 020 written on the door and shut it as if he was in a hurry.

Green was now left standing alone in the hallway wit
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