7: Him again...

Matt went to get the jewelry cleaned up first thing that morning.

He had arrived at the building where the cleaning was done and simply gave it to the man who effortlessly did the job.

The man had taken about thirty minutes to get the stuff cleaned up and all.

And when he was done, Matt had inspected it and it was indeed sparkling n eat. Then he had to make the payment himself.

Although he didn't have any job talk more of getting paid much, He knew that he couldn't possibly tell Mrs. Dawns for the money. She would certainly bash him.

All he did was pay from the little Saving he had.

And when he finally did pay reluctantly with his own money, He sighed took the bag of cleaned-up jewelry, and headed off.

He was going to miss his money.

After leaving the building with the bag in his hands, Matt had his mind on dropping it home and then going on his search for a job. And when he was about to leave, He heard someone call.

"Hey! Lad"

He had paused on hearing someone call out.

At first, he didn't think it was him so he didn't even bother looking around. He simply Continued his walking.

"Hey! Mud head!"

The ' Mud ' had made him stop to see who it was who had tagged him such. It was familiar because he was in the mud last night.

Matt Dawns looked back and around looking for whom it was that had called him. And it was just Then that he saw a man waving at him from up ahead.

Matt had to stare at the man for another while if he wanted to know who he was. But after a minute of staring at him, He Still had no idea of who he was.

The man was dressed in a rather casual manner making him look slightly older than he was.

For someone who was in his middle age, He was dressed up in a blue shirt and some plain pants. Behind him was a motorcycle which he leaned on.

If Matt was to define this man with something. it was the fact that he was equally unfashionable just like himself.

Matt didn't know him and didn't think he would even come to recognize him even if he stayed for another Year to come. So he didn't bother. He simply turned and continued his journey away.

The man's expression stiffened as he watched Matt walk out on him. "Uh, The nerve of this kid" He mumbled to himself as he got onto his motorcycle and started the engine.

He smoothly road his way across the road where he was waving at Matt and then came to pack before him, Blocking him from his passage

Matt was rather confused as to why this stranger was bothering him. He looked at him yet again but still didn't see anything in him. He didn't know him!

"What's your problem, sir? did you perhaps lose your way? or are you looking for someone? Something?" He was careful enough not to be rude

The man smiled staring at me" You don't remember anything. Do you have amnesia?"

Matt stiffened. He did have. At least he guessed he did because he didn't seem to remember anything from his past.

He didn't seem like he was going to answer the question from this stranger.

"How come you don't remember the mud bath you had yesterday?"

He quickly looked in his direction when he mentioned that incident. The first thing that flashed into his mind was Maybe He was present when it Happened. But that idea faded off when he linked this man's description to the one in the mud!

Matt panicked "You... You're that..man?" who fell into that mud??" He couldn't believe himself at the moment.

The casual-looking man nodded "Of course it's me"

"Oh. I see ." Matt nodded as he looked around " Well...are you here to pay me for my good deed?"

"Huh? No! why would I?" The man sounded as though he was laughing.

Matt looked at him rather offended. How can there be such an Ungrateful fellow like him?!" He simply rolled his eyes "If not, Then I'll be on my way "

He said about to walk past him.

"I see you're with Jewelry..." He looked at the bag he had "Is that perhaps. . Yours?"

"No. Why would I be able to afford such a thing?" He questioned" I'm. I'm just running an errand. A house boy"

Matt guessed it was a tag he had to use for himself. No one would believe him if he said he was the son-in-law of the Dawns Family.

"Huh? House boy?" The man raised an eyebrow

"Of course yes. and Because of you...This jewelry was Messed up. I got scolded now I had to fix it. So if you excuse me, I should get going" He turned again.

"What about your parents," The man asked. "Where are they?"

Matt didn't understand why this man was being persistent in making inquiries " I don't know" He turned to tell him "I don't remember anything". He said as he simply Continued his walk away from this man.

The man stood there watching as he leave, silently

When Matt had suddenly gone a far distance, he simply sighed "Young Master, You've suffered a lot. But don't worry...I'm here"

As he said that, his phone which was in his pants rang. He got out of the phone and stared at the caller.

He picked it up "Hello boss? ... Okey. Don't worry, I'll get the job done before nightfall" He assured.


Grandma Dawn's car had pulled over right before The mansion she lived in casually looked up to stare at the mansion.

"Get everything ready and set, The job shall be done tomorrow at the planned venue. Execute it perfectly well without any flaws and add up the new victim, Understood?"

She said as the man in Infront of her nodded " Yes ma'am, I'll do as you said."

"Remember... don't make any mistakes and don't let me down. We've planned this for a long time and both should be allowed to go wrong"

"Sure" He agreed as Grandma Dawns got down from her car and made her way into the mansion.

The driver in the car adjusted his sunglasses and then started the engine and took off.

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