thirty million is not enough

After a three-hour drive, they arrived at a beautiful hotel.

There was a long line of cars parked, making it pretty difficult for them to find a suitable spot to park theirs.

It took them three minutes extra to find a parking spot, after which both of them came down and walked together to the entrance, where they were stopped by two tattooed uniformed men who asked them for their invites.

Ling Long brought out her invite gotten from Jin and showed it to the men, introducing Daemon as her brother.

Presently, both of them are inside. Daemon bought a room ticket and followed Ling Long to the tenth floor.

He discussed his plans with her and she had no other option but to accept them.

As they got there, on the tenth floor, which was also the floor where Jin was, they were stopped by three gangsters with Bluetooth devices hanging from their ears.

They were also armed with sophisticated guns that only the army possessed, but Daemon wasn't scared of such weapons.

He took out the retra
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