God of System Analysis
God of System Analysis
Author: NFA
Chapter 1

In high school.

Alucard Russell was bored, staring disinterestedly at the blackboard where a middle-aged male teacher explained a complicated mathematical formula.

Alucard didn't understand what the teacher was teaching, nor did he care; he just wanted to graduate from high school soon and find a decent job, but he didn't know what he wanted to do with his life; he had no special interests or talents, just an ordinary student trying to get through his school days.

Alucard sighed and turned his face away from the blackboard; he looked around the classroom, looking for something to distract him.

He looked at his classmates, who looked bored and confused by the maths lesson. Some were sleepy, some were chatting quietly, and some were playing with their mobile phones.

Suddenly, a blinding light filled the room.

Alucard reflexively closed his eyes, feeling the heat on his skin. He heard shouts and murmurs from his friends and the teacher's voice shouting in a frightened tone, "What is this? What the hell is going on?"

Alucard tried to open his eyes, but the light was too bright to see. He felt like something was pulling his body upwards, making him float in the air. He reached for his desk and chair, but there was no firm grip. He felt something strange inside him like something was changing or missing, then his consciousness and memories began to fade.

Alucard had no idea how long he was in that state. All he knew was that he was in a completely different place from his class when he regained consciousness.

Alucard gasped and rose from his spot, realising he was in a strange place.

"Where am I?" muttered Alucard hoarsely. He felt confused and scared, not knowing what had happened to him and where he was now.

Alucard was shocked when he saw his classmates were also in the same place. Some were already awake and looked confused and scared, while others were still fast asleep. Alucard wished this was all a dream, but he knew that was impossible.

Alucard inspected the room he was in. The room was rectangular, with walls made of black stone. A thick iron door with no handle or lock was on one side of the room. He wondered who had done this to them and what the purpose was.

Alucard heard a loud banging on the metal door. He turned his head and saw Mike, a well-built and sports-minded boy, pounding on the metal door with his strong arms. Mike was shouting for help, but there was no answer from outside.

"Hey, Mike, stop! You're only going to hurt yourself!" exclaimed Zeref, a handsome and smart boy sitting by the door. Zeref had a calm and friendly face and was always the centre of attention in class.

"Stop? Are you crazy? We have to get out of here! We don't know what they'll do to us!" retorted Mike angrily.

"Calm down, Mike. Maybe this is just a prank or a test from school. Maybe someone will come explain everything to us," Zeref said reassuringly.

"Don't be stupid, Zeref. This isn't a joke or a test. This is a kidnapping! We have to find a way out before it's too late!" Mike said loudly.

"Mike, Zeref, shut up, you two!" snapped their teacher, a middle-aged man who taught maths. The teacher looked pale and sweaty but was still trying to calm his students down.

"You all need to be patient and calm. We don't know what happened to us, but we must stay positive. Maybe there was a mistake or a misunderstanding. Maybe some good people will help us get out of here," the teacher said tremblingly.

"Good people? Are you kidding me? Look at this place! It's like a prison! The doors are made of iron! They must not want us to escape!" said Zeref sarcastically.

"Zeref, don't be pessimistic. We must believe that there is hope," the teacher said weakly.

Alucard listened to their conversation with mixed feelings. He didn't know who was right or wrong, but he knew he didn't want to stay in this place any longer. He wanted to go back to his class, to his home, to his normal life. He wanted to know what happened to them and who was responsible.

Alucard felt uneasy and scared. He couldn't believe that he and his friends had been kidnapped by strangers and taken to a strange place. He didn't know what would happen to them, whether they would be tortured, killed, or made slaves. He wished there was someone who could save them from this situation.

Alucard heard the sound of a metal door creaking. He turned his head and saw the door opening slowly. He held his breath, waiting to see who would emerge behind the door. Was it the people who had kidnapped them? Was it the police or soldiers who had come to help them?

Alucard was surprised when he saw the figures coming out of the door. Several men wore shiny armour and carried sharp swords or spears. They looked like warriors from ancient times, not from modern times. They also had friendly and happy facial expressions, not angry or malicious.

One of the soldiers came forward and smiled broadly. He said loudly and excitedly, "We welcome you for coming here, heroes."

Alucard and his friends looked at each other in surprise. They didn't understand what the soldier's words meant.

"Hero? What does that mean?"

A male student who loved playing games and reading fantasy novels cheered. He said excitedly, "Finally! I'm finally going to another world! I can finally be a hero in another world."

A female student who loved watching films and dramas immediately looked around for the camera. She said suspiciously, "Are we in a film? Where is the camera?"

"All of you be quiet!" snapped their teacher, a middle-aged man who taught maths. The teacher looked confused and upset but was still trying to control the situation.

"You should all calm down and listen to what these people are saying. Maybe there is a logical explanation for all this. Maybe this is a television show or a school project. Maybe this is an opportunity to learn something new," the teacher said anxiously.

Alucard listened to their teacher's words with scepticism. He was not convinced this was a television programme or a school project. Nor was he convinced that this was an opportunity to learn something new. He was only convinced that this was a big problem that needed to be solved immediately.

The male teacher walked up to the soldiers with a friendly face. He said politely, "Good afternoon, soldiers, we are the teachers and students of..."

He did not have time to finish his sentence as one of the soldiers raised his hand to stop him.

The soldier looked at the male teacher with a stern look. He said loudly, "No need to say much; you are all heroes in this world. We will bring you before the king. You must respect and obey the king, for he is the supreme ruler of this world."

Then, several other soldiers came into the room. They helped the students and teacher to stand up and followed them out of the room. They explained that the room was a hero summoning room, which the kingdom had used for centuries.

They say they are all chosen people called into this world to save it from harm.

The students and teachers were confused and amazed by the soldiers' explanations. They couldn't believe that they were heroes from another world. They wondered what had happened to them and what they should do.

They didn't have to walk far to get to the king's throne room, for they were already inside the palace. The palace was magnificent and luxurious, with walls filled with ornaments made of gold and jewels.

The students and teachers were mesmerised by the beauty of the palace. They felt like they had stepped into a fairy tale or fantasy story. They wanted to see more interesting things in the palace but couldn't stop or run around. They had to follow the soldiers in an orderly fashion.

Finally, they came to an enormous door. It had intricate and beautiful carvings made of gold and jewellery. It looked like the entrance to heaven.

A soldier who led them there said with a smile, "This is the door to the king's throne room. Once you enter, you must not look up or stare at the king without permission. If the king gives the signal, you may look up and see his face."

"I will lead you to the king. When I kneel before the king, you must also kneel with me. Do you understand? Perhaps in your world, you have never done anything like this. But, in this world, you must honour the king."

The male teacher and the disciples nodded obediently. They did not want to break any rules or customs in this world. They did not want to cause any trouble or misunderstanding with the king.

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