Elementals: A New Dawn

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Elementals: A New Dawn

By: Izoraquinn OngoingSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 23 views: 782

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Teenagers have had their mentors asend to the afterlife and they are left with a heavy burden to bear-living up to their mentors' achievements. Other forces are in the background, some evil, some good, and some are more powerful than thought. The guardian system awakens and with it, they can level up more efficiently. But what is the secret behind the system? What powers operate in the shadows? Read to find out!

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23 chapters
Chapter 0: Once upon a time
Once upon a time… In a world far, far away, the mighty gods ruled in total dominion over the entire earth. Led by Zeus, the gods guided humanity. They protected the humans, keeping their kingdom on the earth from harm. Safeguarding all of reality and watching over every aspect of life for all of their citizens, they reigned supreme. Humanity naturally came to worship the gods above all else, for they were the absolute beings who made the world a safe and happy place to live in. Temples, each dedicated to a god, were as common as grass on a green meadow. Every single god was an object of devotion and honor, for in truth, without them, humanity was defenseless and leaderless. Gods were divine beings, and everything about them was divine. Their divine forms emanated raw power such that only their priests could gaze upon them without going mad and blind. Their radiant divinity shone in a gold aura round them, which bore the properties of the primary divine aspect. Zeus aura was like a
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Chapter 1: Asteria
Most humans were weak, incompetent, and complacent with their previous way of life. The struggle to acclimate and get used to this new way of life was nothing short of disastrous. Even the natural flora and fauna were affected negatively. It could be said that at this point, everyone even the gods saw how they deeply they affected the earth as a whole. The gods themselves saw this and a number of them were shaken and some had begun breaking planning to break their agreement. Another emergency meeting was called forth by Zeus. “What is the meaning of this?" he asked. "we gods have decided to alienate humanity and yet some of us have been making plans to aid them. Does the decision of the council chosen by voting amount to so little?” he asked The chamber went silent as the gods concerned felt a little guilty. "All of those who had plans to go against the agreement, speak now or forever hold your peace and keep to the agreement." The gods who had done what Zeus said all came clean
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Chapter 2: Zoriah
With the Elementals gone, the guardians devoted themselves to continuing in upholding their divine oath. Life on Zoriah and the entire world of Asteria had changed, no matter how much they tried to manage it. The founders of civilization on Asteria, the most powerful beings on the planet, were gone for good.The council of elders made preparations to adjust life on Zoriah, but those plans unwittingly affected all of Asteria. Powerful as they were, the elementals absence affected the entire city. The city's shields, previously fueled by the Elementals, needed another power source until their successors step in.These details made the council to be very much active and highlighted the collective might of the second in command to all guardians. After much deliberation, 6 of the members of the council of elders on Zoriah, choose to enter a slumber, while they slept, their lifeforce would be used to keep the shields up and running.The council of leaders of the planet which was privy to the
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Chapter 3: Black Void Protocol
In a dark room, with 12 empty thrones arranged around a circular table, a voice echoed from the one occupying the largest of the seats. “Triton and his partners have laid the groundwork. We will only have to guide Zander and his partners towards their destinies.” Profound silence followed his words, as an underlying tension spread throughout the room. “Remember,” A female voice echoed throughout the room, from one of the 12 seats. “No interference, only guidance. This generation is the generation of our successors. We must guide and protect them. No matter what, they must not fail. We need them for what is to come. It is our responsibility as gods to make the most powerful and overall suitable leaders for this world in preparation for Chaos’s return.” “Agreed” The voice from the largest chair echoed. “This assembly is thus adjourned.” He said and the occupants of the large room began to disappear one by one, until only the female voice which had spoken before was left with the oc
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Chapter 4: Nothing has changed
Everyone turned around, well aware of what song was on and who was playing music at such a time as this. ‘The Monster by Beyonce’ That was the song Zander was playing from his speakers as he lay down on the couch and began to hum the song while playing games. He seemed oblivious to the very palpable tension permeating the room. Izora, who was closest to him, was the one who moved towards him and took his phone away. “Hey. Gimme back my phone Z. I was adjusting my presets and soon I will start matchmaking.” He said with an annoyed pout, which would have been cute, had it been under different circumstances. “what do you mean give you back your phone? Can’t you see everyone is taking time to digest what Oracle said? How can you even play games at a time like this?” she said sternly as she put her hands on her waist at akimbo. “Well, that’s dumb. Why are they all taking time to digest it?” he asked with a puzzled look. “I already told Oracle and I meant what I said. We have known f
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Chapter 5: Analyzing...(I)
Code Name: Tornado. Appearance Height: 5'9 ft (1.8m) Hair color: brown chestnut hair Eye color: green eyes and thick eyebrows. Zorian age: 18 years of age. Overall stamina: Three times that of the average guardian. Abilities: - Aero-kinesis (air elemental manipulation) -dormant - Sono-kinesis (Sound elemental manipulation) -dormant - Highly developed mind (12th level intellect) -dormant - Techno-sorcery (a melding of technology and magic) - Technopathy (the ability to communicate with intelligent machines and control technology) - Savant syndrome (in his case, gives him excellent ability to breakdown visual structures and view everything in 3D. He is also a fine artist in more ways than one. - Eidetic memory (often called photographic memory is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with high precision and in great detail after only brief exposure. It is characterized by the vivid recall of visual information a
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Chapter 6: Analyzing...(II)
Code name: Adaunis Appearance Height 6'2 ft (1.8m) Hair color: golden hair Eye color: gold eyes. Zorian age: 18 years Overall stamina: 8 times that of the average guardian. Abilities: Anthropo-kinesis (the ability to control people and take away their free will) -dormant Necro-kinesis (ability to control the dead) -dormant Lumino-kinesis (light elemental manipulation) -dormant Resistance to charm and mind control attacks The ability to alter his appearance to that of anyone he has seen at least once. Clairvoyance (the paranormal ability to see persons and events that are distant in time or space. It encompasses both precognition (seeing future events) and retrocognition (seeing past events)) Divine affiliation: -Persephone (Greek goddess of fertility & queen of the underworld) - Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love, lust) - Hela (Norse goddess of necromancy, healing and death) - Skuld (Norse goddess, weaver of fate and time, signifying the debt owed and the future to come)
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Chapter 7: Analyzing…(III)
---- Ferro-kinesis- control over metal Geo-kinesis- control over the earth Terra-kinesis- control over the land ---- Subject name: Artemis. Height 1.75m (5'7ft), blonde hair streaked in black and red, coupled with purple eyes. I. Q value of 140 coupled with stamina 6 times that of the average guardian. The resident big sister of the group and also a 38F. Musical talent-high. Her basic skill set includes being able to density shift certain parts or even her entire body and an almost impossible level of agility. Also has signs of possessing low-level Ferro-kinesis. A swords woman who few can give a hard time during sparring, let alone defeat in a one-on-one, or even two or two battles. Her battle record is 11 on one, in which she won but passed out due to exhaustion after 8 hours of battle. Shown to have a highly tactical mind when it comes to standing against a group of opponents. Her strength is unusually high even among the super-strength class guardians- one of her swords weig
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Chapter 8: Zander's burden
Subject Name: Izora. 1.85M (6'1 ft). Azure green eyes and brown tinted black hair. Overall stamina 8 times that of an average guardian. I. Q of 170 plus. 'Hyper-talented' mage was the only description which did her justice. Her perception and detection abilities are off the charts as well. As part of her bonus abilities, she possesses a special type of shapeshifting- body transfiguration as well as the charm ability. Enormously beautiful such that she was believed to rival or even surpass Athena in beauty and curves further accentuated by the skin tight clothing she liked, which did little to nothing to hide her large F cup breasts. Body transfiguration was a type of shapeshifting where you don't just change the shape of your body, you change the shape of literally everything, excluding your mind, but acquire base instinct related to whatever you have transformed into. That includes muscle memory, primal instinct, survival instinct, and the ability to communicate with others of your k
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Chapter 9: I'll always be there to save you I-Angela
"It all started in 1938..." Zander told his story from before he became a guardian to his first day in Zoriah and by the time he was done, her face had gone through a myriad of several emotions. She was very pissed off and mad at him. However, when he revealed to her, she was one of the kids he had saved back then from kidnappers who were looking to get free child labor in their factories. She, as most guardians, didn't know their past before Zoriah. Traumatic experiences were commonly placed in new guardians and, due to that, they had the experiences mostly sealed or forgotten during their rehabilitation into the Zorian community. they only had some prized belongings and mementos which, by choice, they decided to keep as it held certain significance. Izora had a hairpin that was modeled after a blue Ixora, a semi-tropical evergreen flowering shrub. In Zander's story, he told her about a girl by the name Angela who had been kidnapped from Greenwich. He had found the kidnappers, beat
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