Chapter 10: Kate refused to help.

If this was really Kate on the line then my head can't still wrap around why she just made that comment.

"I guess I was wrong about you." Kate said.

Wrong about me?

Her words were strange to my ears.

Did I do something wrong to her that I didn't know about?

For all I know I have been the best brother I could be to her so what's wrong.

"Is something wrong kate?" I was concerned at her change of tone.

She sounded irritated all of a sudden.

"Yes something is wrong and I'm not sure you like to hear what I am about to say." Kate said.

"Which is what?" I asked curiously.

"I thought about it and I can't help you Thomas." Jate dropped the bomb.

I chuckled nervously, taking this as a joke.

Thought about it?

I just called her when did she have time to think about it? Did she just refuse without considering all I just said?

"What do you mean you can not help me?" I asked in disbelief.

"I mean I just can't help you, I can't afford to accommodate you." Kate explained further her tone was ser
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