Chapter Ten: School Prince or School Pauper

Are you already at the office?” Richard asks Niko through the ear buds that were connected to his phone as he walked out of the school.

To anyone looking, from afar, they would hardly see anything as the buds were designed to be his skin color exactly and had no other trade mark. It made it easier to communicate with all the people around him this way.

“Hmmm, your team is always better like always, everything has been set up.” Niko, who was currently looking at the new headquarters they had set up with a satisfied smile replied.

He had his reservations about them moving the Country X headquarters to their capital. Since they started the company, the major thing they used to do was set up in a place with less bustle because he made it a point of developing places with lesser opportunities.

Richard had however insisted on it coming here and since they were going to be here for the next few years, they could just develop it alongside.

The both of them started to discuss some of the
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