“You just have to be careful with these people. I have experienced worse than these. Some would go as far as bathing you with hot tea.” Johnson said as that walked out of the restaurant that evening after they closed work for

That day.

Fortunately they had both closed at the same time and Jason was leaving the restaurant at the same time Mark was also leaving and so they both walked each other.

“So you have experienced such before? Mark asked.

“ Yeah. Countless times. I'm used to it.” Jason said and laughed.

“Nah, I can't get used to such. And you remained here? For how long have you been working here?”

“This is my second year.” Jason responded.

“Wow. I don't think I can endure such. Mark said .as they walked towards they walked close to the hospital.

Before they parted ways. Mark asked him if he knew anywhere he could get an accommodation for rent. Mark explained to him that he was for the main time staying in their hospital where his mum was recievening treatment.

“ Hmm. I saw
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