Bully the girl

Stop right there!"

Ken and Jane quickly pulled out their lips from the straws and turned to stare at the woman walking up to them.

"What the hell?" Ken muttered under his breath and fell back on his chair.

"Fuck!" Charlie spat and tried to hold onto the menu card with trembling hands.

Why does she have to show up at such a time when his plan was about to come to life?

Jane darted her gaze from the strange girl standing beside her and then back to Ken. She was displaying a blank expression, wondering why a girl would walk up to their booth screaming like a mad woman.

"What are you doing here Miranda?" Ken asked and turned to look at her with a clenched jaw.

The lost Jane continued roving her eyes around them. It appears Ken knows the girl and why were his eyes harboring hostility toward her?

Miranda glared at Jane and stood beside Ken with a bright smile. "Hey!" she waved hoping he reciprocates the smile.

Ken had always commended her infectious smile and maybe, she was going to get him
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