Chapter 6

"Damn, how are you going to cook this? Everything is already there, all that's left is the cabbage."

Rosalina was also confused about cooking. The main ingredients run out in the kitchen. She was busy biting his fingers.

"Alif wants to eat that food... But the cabbage is gone. I have to buy it. Before Alif comes back."

Rosalina felt a little anxious. Alif will be back from school in a few hours. She looked at the clock on his wall. It was still early for noon, so she hurried to change his clothes.

"Okay, I'll hurry. The vegetables will run out later."

Rosalina immediately went out after changing her clothes. Such is the life of a mother. The child's wishes must be a priority. Since Alif had not returned from school, she took the opportunity to buy something, even for a moment. Guaranteed she must cook Alif's favourite food.


Azmar stopped for a while at a cafe to buy a drink after just leaving his house 2 hours ago. He looked dapper in a neat navy blue suit. That's how he is every day. He immediately headed to the purchase counter to order his drink.

At the same time, Veronica also stopped for a while at the same cafe. He just walked in and ordered a drink. Veronica is now behind Azmar waiting for her turn to order a drink. It took 3 minutes for Azmar's drink to be ready, and then Azmar walked away from there. But unexpectedly, they collided with each other.


"Never mind."

Veronica managed to look at the tall Azmar. Then, she seemed to know Azmar.

"Wait...I kind of know you."

Azmar also stopped. He looked at Veronica in front of him.

"You know me?"

"You...Azmar, right..Study at the University of Malaya, right.."

Veronica denounced something. Then Azmar tried to get to know Veronica. When he remembered something, his eyebrows rose.

" must be Veronica, right.."

Azmar said with a smile. Everyone was excited about meeting again. They had studied together before.

"I... I didn't expect to see you here.. What are you doing here?"

"I want to buy a drink here. How about you?"

"Yes, I'm the same. Oh look even more handsome." came out of his nature.

Azmar only serves because of Veronica. Even chuckled at Veronica's reaction to him.

"Do you want to drink with me?" Azmar invited.

Having already met, they took the opportunity to say hello. Eyes meet each other. Of course, Veronica agreed to the invitation.


"How are you?"

Azmar started the conversation. Veronica managed to take a sip of the drink she ordered earlier.

"Good. How are you?"

"As you can see. I'm fine today," said Azmar, clapping his hands.

Showing luxury in himself. Veronica was stunned to see Azmar's success. Azmar's luxurious way of wearing clothes makes Veronica wonder.

'Azmar looks rich..' she said in his heart.

The drink was sipped again. Azmar also looked at Veronica's increasingly beautiful movements. He smiled silently. Then his eyes focused on Veronica's ring finger. Wearing a very beautiful ring.

"You..are you married yet?" Azmar said as he calmly sipped the water.

Veronica quickly looked at the ring on her ring finger. She smiled blandly.

"Yes...I'm married. What about you? Single or taken?"

"I'm the same. I'm married. I have a wife and a son."

Veronica was a little disappointed. The chances are slim after hearing that Azmar is married. She started to look serious.

She was already evil, something that whispered in his ear made her smile with satisfaction. She looked at Azmar again.

"But I.. am not happy." Azmar quickly looked at Veronica's sad face.


Ask Veronica. She began to design life stories.

"Me and my husband..not very good. After all, my husband and I don't have children. Maybe that's why I'm's not important to him." said Veronica, lying.

Azmar was fooled by Veronica's subtle influence.

"If that's the case, why don't you just leave him?"

Azmar gives suggestions. This is the time Veronica expands her influence.

"Because..I..., wait for you," said Veronica, feigning love.

Azmar, who is influenced by her, also feels something about Veronica.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...I've loved you since the beginning. But because of my family, we had to get married based on business. You understand my feelings, right?"

Veronica's acting is great. Ready with his sad and melancholy face. Azmar looked at Veronica's face with sadness. Unexpectedly, Veronica is willing to act to the point of seducing people's husbands. Veronica's delicate feet, brought to the table, quickly touched Azmar's feet. Veronica gave a smile. After Azmar felt Veronica's foot touching his, his lust increased. He smiled.

What is its meaning? Was Azmar easily seduced by Veronica's subtle influence? Did he forget about his wife and children?


Hazre just stepped into the store. He started his mission to buy kitchen items. Then walk quickly towards the vegetable section.

Fate did bring them both together. Rosalina also had just arrived there to buy kitchen items. Just like Hazre, she walked toward the vegetable section.

From opposite directions, they clashed but their eyes focused on the cabbage vegetable. Looks like there is only one cabbage left. They both rushed to take the vegetable until both of their hands were holding the cabbage vegetable. My eyes look long.

"Excuse me, this vegetable is for me," said Hazre, pulling the vegetable.

Rosalina, who desperately wanted the vegetable, quickly snatched it back from Hazre.

"Please be respectful. I arrived first. I have these vegetables."

Rosalina pulled the vegetable. But Hazre restrained her.

"No...This is mine. I got there first."

"It's me.."


They both compete with each other only because of vegetables. It's like their children are fighting each other for the vegetable since there is only one left. What happened after that? Who got the vegetable? Just today, the meeting takes place, starting with Veronica with Azmar at the cafe. Not to mention the two of them, Rosalina and Hazre. It's all a coincidence. Is this destiny?

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