The Event Attack

Return Of The General 8.

The Event Attack.

Salvador froze and watched the building set ablaze,He had made sure everyone was out of the building,It was just his way of telling them that he has already started his mission his mission and he was full and prepared for whatsoever they had coming.

The firefighter's came and also confirmed that nobody was in the building,The great five families were all shocked by what was happening,They couldn't imagine that the grand hall they used for their top events was now in ashes.. They didn't bother to ask if any lives were lost,All they could talk about was their gifts and the hall that got burnt.Guests were already retreating back home and the reporters who had already fell asleep because nothing interesting was going on..Were all awake and agile before anyone knew it a news station was already present at the event.

" Where is Salvador???? He excused himself shouldn't he be around???? I asked Mario,I hated the great five families but I had two feelings on what happened here today,One was happy because Brett was looking like this world had ended,Then I felt pity for them...Not too much pity but just a little bit of it,This was their great hall for event and now it was burned down to ashes by someone,Who would do this apart from her ????

" I see this place was smoked…. Salvador said from behind and everyone turned to look at him because his voice was deep and loud that they heard him eventually.

" Is that something to smirk about?????? Brett frowned.

" I mean the whole place smell's like barbeque…. Salvador smirked.

" What !!!! Do you know what has been lost here??? Do you Know what it's worth????? I bet you don't Know...A member of the Lyon asked.

Salvador looked at him,It was the man that was seeing his sister. He had resented this man for years although he had claimed to love his sister he was always ashamed to be seen in public with her,He would always want to meet in private places and whenever he's caught with her eventually he would deny every part of it. He remembered vividly once when he came with his sister to watch his football game..He was always looking behind and around like he was hiding from someone not to mention his face cap and mask. He would deny his sister whenever they atr caught in public and his sister would take the fall for everything that happened, This man had the guts to stand before him and say rubbish,He wanted to punch him at this moment but he was just an ordinary person who bidded the highest price for the property today,He had already showed some wealth trying to make an entrance, he wasn't going to do it again to him.

" Am sorry for your lost but your concern should be if anyone was hurt….Elena shall we ????? Salvador held her hand and they walked out. He had no intentions of saying or doing too much yet,He knew Brett's father was going to shut up about what happened between them because it would be a thing of shame and disgrace..The burn in Brett's eyes felt like he was saying the battle has been drawn. He was going to take them down one by one and since Brett has decided to be so unfortunate he has become his first target just for hurting his woman.

" Are you okay????? Elena asked.

" I am okay..I should be asking you, You were inside when the fire started... Salvador said,He knew Mario had evacuated the hall before the temperature was even increased,He just wanted to avoid her suspecting him.

" I mean you left early so you probably didn't witness what happened,Me neither I left with Mario here…. Elena said,She didn't tell him Brett confronted her again because she was too scared.

" Is that all you want to say ??? Salvador asked noticing her mood.

" Yeahhhh... Nothing else,She lied.

" Are you sure ???? You know you can tell me anything... What exactly happened??? Are you okay ??? Did Brett do something???? Salvador asked.

" He approached me again...I think we need to be careful at least leave this country...Go to somewhere like mexico or Australia..I have friends there and we can hook up with them and start our family as married couples…. Elena said in fear.

" Why do you suggest we run away????? Salvador asked.

Elena froze she couldn't possibly tell him it was because she was scared Brett would harm Salvador with every way he can.

Salvador was now Brett's target and Elena knew what Brett could and would do,She has been his target before and all of a sudden she was in a ghastly accident and even sustained bad face injuries.mThe Story wasn't clear yet and now she was scared for Salvador. Brett was strong in wealth, Affluence, Power and connections and he would do anything to ride on second class citizens like herself and Salvador.

" Why do you fear that they may attack me ??? Salvador asked a question he knows the answer to.

" I mean he is the heir to one of the greatest empire in the country,He is a first son in the peters family.. Imagine all the power he has in neck and call and although his father is a friend of a friend..He wouldn't mind if he set his mind on destroying you…. You have to be careful... Elena said.

Salvador found whatsoever she was saying Sweet and Caring but she had no idea how easy it will be for him,If he sets out to destroy Brett...It probably wouldn't even last a week or a day before bringing him down but he doesn't blame her for saying him as weak,It was eventually what he wanted.

" I wonder if everything is okay back there…. Elena sighed, Although she doesn't like any of the great five she knew how much lost it must have caused them but it as different for Salvador.. He wanted to see them suffer and beg for forgiveness but he didn't really need their forgiveness,He already lost his family so he came here to achieve was revenge and not petty forgiveness.

The whole members of the great five that was present at the party gathered outside as they watched guest leave without acknowledging them or even sympathizing with their lost...They murmured as they left the event hall to them it was a disgrace and waste of time. The Gala party was a party Everyone was looking out for…..The fancy girls who needed tip on new fashion trends and designs would check the photos from the party... Entrepreneur who wanted to make connections was also another set of people looking out for this event just to make connections and fix their business circle...The media and press.. They were the only ones satisfied this year because they had the most juicy and surprising story to tell, Business men and women who came from different part and corners of the world were all leaving either coughing as they left or shaking their head in pity or even mockery.

" What nonsense is this????? The eldest of the Burgess family yelled.

" Dad calm down !!!!! Let's plan another party…

" Son it's a waste of resources.. Consider what was lost at this party...How long do you think it would take to recover ????? Mr Matador said.

" I couldn't even talk about my new firm...Brett sister frowned.

" Most of the guest are flying back today or early tomorrow.. It's not possible to host them again, Avina the youngest daughter of the Calamades family said.

" Who on earth would have done this???? One of the son's of the Lucas family said.

" That should be our next move...Mr Leo Lucas said.

" I contacted the security team and checked all the security cameras with Eliza but It turns out the culprit wasn't alone, Security cameras were damaged a day before the event….Naomi Burgess sighed.

" What the hell !!!!!!! Brett screamed.

" I invested millions in this party because I wanted to fix my connection and because of my upcoming project but this happened... How???? How am I expected to start my project when all promising partners walked out coughing,I had plans of talking to the man who bidded the highest price for the property and this happened….. Armando Calamades frowned.

" It's a pity!!! Brett laughed.

" What do you mean????

" That man was only acting on orders trust me he's just an ordinary second class citizens...Brett clenched his fist thinking of a million ways to teach him a lesson.

Mr Matador didn't want to say anything after all he wasn't sure who he really was though,He just knew him from an acquaintance but he wanted to stop his son from talking but he didn't wanted to appear weak and unbothered about the situation,He knew how manipulative these families were because they have been playing the same card all this years and he was very aware of what they can and will do.

" Why don't we involve the police??? Avina asked.

" The police!!!! We don't need them,They will start digging on us again and God knows what they will find...Mr Xander Lyon said.

" You are absolutely right...Brett sighed,He has been reported as a sex offender before but since his sister practiced law,He was able to go free,He was sure everyone one of them had reasons not to go to the cops and even together they have committed alot so they decided to use the working force they had in their circle, Brett's sister who is a lawyer.. The Daughter in law of the Lyon family and the first daughter to the Burgess family were all lawyer so they were going to find the culprit together.

Salvador had already made sure Elena was asleep before he went to meet his guest in his office,It was Mario and some men.

" How is the ship coming in ????? Salvador asked.

" We weren't able to move because of the weather conditions yesterday but we moved today…. Mario said.

" That's good call every one of the important people that was at the party and apologize for the inconveniences….Send them anoymous gifts...We have to gather enough crowd and connections as possible not everyone knows the powerful military force so we have to make another name but first we need backup.. Salvador said.

" On it sir….I will do just that, Mario said.

" That's good!!!!! How about report from the event????? What's your report???? Salvador asked one of the men. Hart was his little sisters best friend...He saw the five father's of the great five leaving our yard the day and the memories never left his memory,He wanted revenge just like Salvador... Every of Salvador's crew members had a cruel past with one or all of the great five.

Mario's father used to be a Butler in the Burgess home,His father was the breadwinner of their family.. Although he earned little he had enough to take care of his family, His father died as a result of an unfortunate event. He was serving dinner one day when he heard gunshots...It was the eldest son of the Burgess family, He had shot one of their guards and was on his way to dispose the remains when his father caught him.. Unfortunately for him he asked Mario to wait behind because Mario was at the mansion that day helping his father in the little ways he could. Mario followed him but hid somewhere…. when the eldest son saw that the butler had witness the shooting,He shot him too right in Mario's presence. He was about to scream when a little girl covered his mouth,She was a relative of the Burgess family. That was how Mario's hate for the great five families started..If one made a mess the other's would help clean it.

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