044: A crazy idea

"What is the nebula sector?" Pamela found a seat, and nestled her body into it. They were taking a small boat to the Centrons.

Corey hadn't dropped any information on the sector to her. And Verosika wasn't interested in talking about those snobby rich pieces of technology, her very own words. Eleanora was the same.

All she could tell Pamela was that the Centrons were considered the biggest dicks to every specie simply because they don't have any crisis or problems, and because they're smarter than everyone else.

To avoid accidentally being tricked by them, people tend to avoid them. The mage's plan was to keep her mouth shut during their entire time there. And Verosika was planning to do the same. She didn't want to associate herself with them.

If it weren't for Corey, she would have stayed back in the submarine.

"The nebula sector, is home to three different species." Corey turned to face the women, Yumiko was fast asleep by his foot. She slept more times than any of the women c
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