9. let's start this game

The Poor Man's Revenge~9


"Devan?!" cried Fera. A sweet smile appeared on the woman's beautiful face.

The two men who were involved in an inner war searched for the origin of the voice until their eyes fell on a beautiful woman in simple clothes, a knee-length dress that looked faded but did not reduce her beauty.

Aldo who looked at Fera instantly glared. He did not expect to meet, even though the distance from Fera's house was still a bit far. Let everything go as it is. Surrender Aldo. He just didn't want anyone to get hurt between their love story.

"Devan, Aldo!" the voice came back. Fera ran to Devan and immediately hugged him with longing. She cries.

Arya who got a hug from Fera felt a little uncomfortable, but he tried to calm down. He began to slowly raise his hand, then returned the hug of the girl even though he didn't know who Fera was, he knew, the girl's love was so sincere for Devano, he even felt the warmth of the hug.

Fera hit Arya's back gently w
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