44. trapped

the poor man's revenge 44

With his ability, Aldo doesn't need to use anything to find out where the space is.

He'll be there soon. But when he was already in room three and looking for the entrance.

He's having a little trouble. But he returned to think clearly. Then he found one clue created by the man himself.

“Villa in the middle of the forest? Shades of serenity? Grandparents who live alone with a lot of treasure in it. Aldo returns to think everything through. Until then, he finds the answer.

“Plant! Is it true?”

Immediately Aldo approached a plant that was in the room, a flower that didn't attract attention, with many luxurious flowers beside it.

He then approached him, and he tried to find something strange behind the mystery of that flower. And when he saw a small caterpillar, he then held it and was about to take it out, and it turned out…

When the caterpillar lifted from the leaf, a door opened immediately.

Aldo was in shock.

His guess was right.

Villa is
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