The Rise of Arthur McCain

4 ratings

The Rise of Arthur McCain

By: Christy I. CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 193 views: 10.3K

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Families were supposed to look out for each other but what happens when a father decides to send his only son to prison because of a woman? Coming out of prison, Arthur faces more humiliation when he decides to move on and forget that he ever had a family. As if that was not enough, he caught his girlfriend (who had neglected him) in a hotel room with his step brother. He got sacked after she lied against him and was thrown out of the hotel which was the only home he knew. Fortunately for Arthur, the day that was supposed to be one of the worst days of his life, happens to be the best when he found out that his grandfather was the richest man in Vienna and he was the only heir to his fortune. Those who have humiliated him would have to watch their backs because it was payback time.

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  • Lorain Neilson


    can't wait for the next episode

    2024-06-20 22:53:44
  • Lorain Neilson


    just dying for episode 133

    2024-06-20 22:53:09
  • Kimberly Larkin


    great book so far . I hope him and his dad makeup and get revenge on the witch and her son.

    2024-05-25 05:26:34
  • Christy Oma


    This book is so interesting and intriguing. Kudos Arthur ......

    2024-05-16 15:12:29
Latest Chapter
193 chapters
Chapter 1
Arthur stood still, staring hard at the man before him. The fire of hatred that burned in him was enough to push him into making a rash decision. However, he managed to suppress his anger. His job at the hotel was going to be over if he acted on the impulse of his youthful rage. Tilting his head, Arthur lifted his left palm and calmly massaged his left cheek. Eyes red and face darkened into a ruffle, Arthur opened his mouth to speak. "But Sir, I've been busy getting the beddings clean. I haven't been playing all day or even gotten the chance to rest." Arthur tried to defend himself but got another smack on the face." Bang."How dare you call me a liar before my face, you piece of trash. If I hadn't seen you on the pavement whiling away time, then I might have believed your lies." Mr Frank Manuel blurted out with a profound frown on his face. To Arthur, this was an innumerable incident as no day goes by that he doesn't get a scolding from the Probity hotel manager. "That was just a br
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Chapter 2
"Janet?" Arthur managed to mutter. The lady in question also looks stunned upon seeing Arthur at the door. "W… What are you doing here?" Arthur stammered. The shock on her face suddenly turned to a glare. "What does it look like I'm doing Arthur McCain? Or should I say Arthur nobody since you've lost the surname already."Janet started walking into the room leaving the door open for Arthur to come in and do his job. The latter hesitated before pushing the trolley inside the room. As he walked into the room, Arthur managed to carry himself as his feet had already turned into jelly from the shock he just received. His girlfriend was in a hotel room with another man. Or should he say his girlfriend who abandoned him. "Honey, who was that?" A young man of about his age walked out of the bathroom in a towel. "Bryan?" Arthur saw himself almost yelling. "You two. What? How could you do this to me?"Bryan turned and scowled at the guy before him. "Well, look who we have here. My lovely step
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Chapter 3
Janet's face brightened up with the statement. Mission accomplished. Turning to Bryan and Janet, Mr Frank apologized. "I'm sorry for whatever that had transpired between you and this brat. I hope you won't rate us down because of this?" "Well, since you apologized, then we accept your apology." Janet replied with a grin as she rolled her eyes at Arthur who was still standing there. "What the hell is this loser still waiting for? Get the heck out of here." Mr. Frank yelled at Arthur who turned around and started walking out. As he stepped out, he saw some of the guests who stood outside their room in order to catch a glimpse of the gossip. On the second that he left, everyone dispersed back to their hotel room.As Arthur entered the elevator, he could not help but blame his father for the misfortune that had befallen him. After wasting three months of his life in prison, he had also spent two years working in the hotel with nothing to show for it. His eyes had gone red from suppressed
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Chapter 4
Arthur kept stealing glances at the man. He still could not believe his ears. However, all he needed was a confirmation. How can he be so sure that the man was telling the truth? For all he knows, he could be a mafia Lord who wanted to kidnap him. As if reading his mind, Axel spoke to him. "You don't have to be afraid of anything. You'll find out about all you need to know soon enough."You can surf the internet to learn more about your grandfather. Arthur took out a small phone that was tied together with a band. From all indications, the phone was as good as useless. Axel saw the state of Arthur's phone and let out a chuckle. Arthur's life was about to change for good. Opening a small compartment in the vehicle, Axel brought out a package and handed it over to Arthur. "That's a special package. Only a few people have the same type."Arthur opened the pack and found out that it was a rare kind of phone. He could not believe his eyes. This was too good to be true. Axel smiled at his
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Chapter 5
Drawing nearer to them was an old woman in his early seventies. She was a little skinny with an average height. She looked worn-out and malnourished. It was somewhat strange to Arthur. How can she be in such affluence and looked undernourished. It dawned on Arthur that she must have been thinking a lot and starving herself as well. Arthur stood up to greet the woman who drew him close to a warm embrace. Shocked and embarrassed, Arthur managed to hug her back as he stared at Carl and Axel in bewilderment."It's you. My son. My Shirley's boy. Oh! What a day today is. I can now die in peace knowing fully well that Shirley gave me a grandson." The old lady cried out. "No one is dying. At least, not yet." Carl said as he turned to face Arthur. "This is Vannessa, your grandmother."Vannessa smiled at Arthur, drawing him close to another embrace. "Please, forgive us for everything."Arthur pulled out of her embrace, nodding gently. "I forgive you." This statement brought genuine smile on t
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Chapter 6
A man in his early fifties stood before the two with furrowed brows. However, a little crowd was already gathering to learn what was transpiring. Seeing the prying eyes who were already staring with itchy ears to watch as the drama unfolds. Mr. Nick, the chief security, took the two to a corner. "Come with me, both of you."On keeping themselves away from the prying eyes, Nick asked them. "What is the matter between you two?" Turning to Louis, he asked. "Why did you hit him?""Sir, I just tried to inquire about the human resource office and he told me off by insulting me. I've just been employed as a security guard and needed to report to work. However, this fella here was not willing to help." Arthur explained what happened to Nick who decided to take him to the HR office by himself. The two left Louis there without anymore word. "Thank you Sir, you're most kind.""You don't have to thank me, It's part of our jobs as security guards. To give directions to those who need help. It's ju
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Chapter 7
"Who would have thought that I'd bump into you in a place like this? Well, what am I even saying? He's just a security guard. Janet turned to Bryan and they both giggled evilly. Arthur threw a glance at Nick who gave him a confusing look. "Do you know who they are?" Nick asked, still puzzled but Arthur shook his head."They're bad news and I don't want to waste my time on urchins like them?" Arthur retorted, causing Janet to flare up. "Hey, loser. Who are you calling bad news? Because you managed to get yourself a security job after I got you sacked. You're just a useless pauper and that is what you'll always be.""Come on honey, let's not waste anymore of our precious time on this thief. Someone who can't even afford to buy good shoes." Bryan took Janet by the left hand while he carried a big shopping bag on the other hand.However, Janet was not satisfied yet. She wanted to get Arthur to pay for calling them urchins. She unsealed the bottle of water on her hand and emptied half of i
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Chapter 8
Arthur was taken aback with the question. He wasn't expecting to see one of the twins he had met earlier to start looking for him. He wasn't gone for that long. Or was he?"Uhmmm… Ma'am Anna. I… Uhmmm…" Arthur stuttered in his words which infuriated the lady. "Would you keep your mouth shut? And who's Anna? If you can't differentiate, then shut that trash you call a month. Do not jumble up our names again."Arthur nodded his head."Now tell me, where the heck have you been? You're yet to resume work and already missing in action."Arthur was without a word. He actually had no idea what to say. Should he tell the stern lady that he encountered his step brother and ex girlfriend who almost emptied a can of water on him? That's a bad excuse. "I went to use the restroom downstairs." Arthur found himself saying and Anna glared at him."Whatever.""Because it's your first day, I'll let this pass. If this happens again, I'll make sure you get sacked from here even if you're just starting."
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Chapter 9
"Why is the manager crying on the floor?" Harry directed his question to Morris who was still stupefied. "I'm asking you Morris, what is going on here?"Morris was still lost for the right words to explain what was going on. He was still trying to comprehend things. He has just been offered the position of the manager by Arthur, his ex colleague who was sacked the previous day. How come? What really happened?Ignoring the men, Arthur repeated what he said to Morris. "You are yet to answer my question Morris. Would you like to be the new manager?"Morris nodded his head. "Yes, Sir." It felt so stupid and awkward. What if Arthur was not in his right sense? No, It's not possible. He was here and witnessed what happened even though he was still confused. He saw when Arthur made a call and Frank received another that made him fall to Arthur's feet and started pleading.It couldn't possibly be a joke.Harry, who has had enough of the drama, yelled at the men. "What is going on here?" "You
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Chapter 10
Arthur quickly made for the dressing room where he changed into his uniform. He had just been dropped off by the previous night's taxi driver. Arthur had to keep a close contact with the man whom he had just made his undercover taxi driver.Getting the man to make a promise of keeping his identity was easy. He just threw a few wads of cash to silence him after somewhat threatening to make his life difficult if he were to ever blow his cover. However, the taxi driver made a promise on his own grave to be discreet about Arthur's identity."I'd be stupid to go against you by revealing your identity to the world." The man had said. Although, the identity he meant was that Arthur was a rich man pretending to be poor. He was yet to learn how he was related to Carl Ramon, the quadrillionaire businessman."Good." Arthur had responded and they both parted ways. Why would he want to disobey the man's order after earning some undeserved amount of Euros. An amount he couldn't possibly earn in a m
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