Chapter 4

362. To some people it's just a random number. To me, it's what I saw when I first woke up. It's how many days I have left. It still seems like a lot but I know that the numbers will keep getting lower and lower.

I looked over at my desk and saw that the VD must have been here already. There was a plate of food and I realized that I was really hungry right now. I wolfed down the cereal and buttered my toast and hurriedly ate that as well.

"Hello? Is anyone there?"

I whipped my head around but I didn't see anyone. Maybe I was just hearing things.

"I guess not."

Okay, I definitely had heard something that time. I carefully looked over the room but there was no one in sight. I got up and checked the bathroom but no one was in there and the door that led to the hallway was locked.

"Life sucks."

I knew that no one was in the room and yet I couldn't deny that I was hearing a voice. I shut my eyes and concentrated on listening.

"I must be the only one."

The voice was in my head. I was excited about this discovery and I wondered if I could talk in the other persons head as well. I concentrated and kind of threw my words away from me. I don't know how I knew how to do it but I just did it without thinking.

"How are you talking to me in my head?"

"A-ha! I knew I wasn't the only one. I don't really know... I just kind of throw my words out through my head."

"Wow. This is so cool! What's your name?"

"Lea. What's yours?"


"How old are you, Lance?"


"Oh, cool! I'm eighteen too."

"So what are you here for?"

"I have the virus."

I shouldn't have been shocked at this but I was. Lea sounded too nice to have such a deadly disease.

"Me too... How many—"

"It's okay. I don't mind telling. I have 318 days left."

"I just got the virus so I have 362 days."

It was silent for a few moments and I knew she was probably remembering when she first got the virus.

"Hey, well, it's been nice talking to you but I've got to go for my experiment test thing."

"Experiment test thing? Do they hook you up to a bunch of wires and stuff?"


"I've gone twice and I never can remember what exactly she does."

"Oh, well, you're going enjoy today!"

I could tell she was being sarcastic.

"And why is that?"

"Well, today your actually gonna remember. Got to go, bye!"

With that she left. It was as though some sort of presence had left my mind. What exactly did she mean that I would remember today's experiment? Just at that moment the VD opened the door and beckoned for me to follow him.

I guess I would find out. We wound our way through the halls when suddenly I heard the screams again. I backed up a few doors and could tell that they were coming from the door I was standing at. I wondered if it was Lea who was doing the screaming.

If she sounded like that during the experiment, I hated to think what would happen during mine. Suddenly I felt drawn to the door. It was as though some invisible force had taken hold of me and I placed my hands on the door. I knew it was Lea inside. I don't know how I knew but it was definitely her.


I jumped back at the sound of the VD's barking voice. He beckoned for me to follow him and I reluctantly did. We arrived at the usual room and after Helen had greeted me I took off my shirt like always and laid down on the table with all the wires. She hooked up everything and went over to the switch.

"Lance, I want you to know that this time you'll go through the whole experiment without blacking out. We always have the voltage on the highest setting for the first two tests but we tone it down for the rest."

I nodded slowly unsure of what to expect.

"It's going to hurt."

She flipped the switch and the waves of electricity washed through me with a fierce pain.

I screamed and screamed and willed myself to black out but my body refused. I could literally feel the electricity go through every part of my body. Each one felt like it hurt worse than the last.

Finally after I felt I could take no more I heard the switch being flipped and I slumped down on the table. I felt totally exhausted and I didn't see how Lea could survive the awful ordeal and she had been here for more than a month longer than me.

After what seemed like half an hour I felt like I could finally move again.

I slowly shifted and placed my legs on the floor. I stood up and swayed slightly but managed to stay upright. I turned and expected Helen to apologize. Her face was cold and dark and she motioned to the door where the VD was waiting.

As we passed the room that Lea had been in, I no longer heard any screams. I tried to talk to her in my head but felt nothing. I got to my cot and collapsed on top of it. I have to get out of here. There wasn't much hope for me if Lea had been here more than a month and was still here.

I suddenly felt very tired and closed my eyes. I was almost asleep when the number 362 came into focus and I was wide awake again. How in the world was I supposed to fall asleep when I would keep seeing 362 after a while?

I tossed and turned for half the night and finally drifted off to sleep.

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