Auxiliary Chapter: Terms and Monster & Human Rankings



System Info

Our superpowers were divided into four classes.

<Detector> class Upgraded Humans were detecting the locations and abilities of our enemy monsters and providing us with remote guidance support.

<Slashers> were fighting to act as a front-line tank, causing the remaining members of the teams to suffer less damage, and of course, it was their first duty to destroy the monsters.

<Casters> were providing attack power support with long-range weapons that did not belong to human technology, making them the biggest supporters of the Slashers.

and <Physician> class members were participating in quests by positioning themselves in the furthest part of the battlefield with their supernatural healing abilities to protect potential injured party mates.

According to the Detector class, in this new order imposed in the world by unknown beings, all living things had power levels between 1 and 100 levels.

lvl1 and lvl10 - were
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