Chapter 2: Honorary Citizen

Arthur was still following the trace of the goblin criminal, he saw many other goblin's in the walls of the kingdom, but most of them looked elegant and didn't carry the trace of the criminals.

The place he was currently walking was still looking like a city with horses and carriage and people here looked decent, however the path that Arthur was walking to was very different.

There were no brick roads, no proper buildings, in fact, the place he was going to, is no different from a jungle.

"A jungle inside a kingdom like this?" Arthur asked himself. "Well, I guess they still need a source of clean oxygen." He added.

He could hear his sole crushing the leaf under him, and with the mana enhcancing his realization of his surroundings, the sound of the crush was loud.

But he kept on walking through the green woods.

"Kahhh!" Arthur could hear a kid scream. "The goblins!" He shouted knowing that whatever that he heard must he the work of the goblins.

Instead of walking, he started running as he could still hear the kid that was screaming from the distance.

Suddenly he was surrounded by a group of goblins.

The goblins unlike what he was used to killing, was now looking more modern, with full clothings and even proper weapons in their hand.

"Why are you following us?" The goblin in full red clothing asked while swing his sword to scare Arthur.

"No reason. But I need you to let go of the kid that you have been chasing." Arthur said, but he also realized that this goblin's had the trace of the golbin criminals.

"Hahaha! I can't believe that you are still convinced by our little trick!" The goblin laughed.

"Tricked?"Arthur asked not knowing what the goblin was talking about.

One of the goblin started screaming mimicking the sound of a little kid.

Veins started popping on Arthur's head, 'Crap! I've been had!' he thought knowing that the goblin tricked him.

'But since there are no one to save, does that mean that I can just kill all of these goblins?' Arthur though before bringing out his sword.

As he did that the goblins could feel the aura eminating from Arthur. Their instinct made them run even if they didn't want to.

A fear crawled deep within their hearts, but despite their sharp and sudden instinct, Arthur killed all of them in one slash.


"I thought so... I knew that I wouldn't be just able to clear the gate by just killing some weak goblins..." Arthur said while running back to the city and passing by the dead goblins that he just killed.

He stopped running as he remembered something. "Wait, since those goblins are criminals, wouldnt it help me to make me a citizen of this country if I to show the officers of the kingdom that I killed the criminals?" He asked himself. "Yeah, that would probably be a good idea." He told himself again before running towards the chopped up body of the goblins and keeping them in his inventory and running towards the city where he came from.

Arthur hadn't realized this but the news of his existence and his power had already spread amongst the city guards and they were working harder now to find him.

As he returned to the city, the first city guard who saw him ran up to him. "Sir, uhh please do not be offended. But our captain wants to meet you." The guard said while shaking in his boots.

'Well, that makes things easier. I have been wanting to find that guy anyways.' Arthur thought while smiling. "Very well, lead me to him." Arthur said before following the guard.

Everywhere he went, the citizens looked at him with fear, mainly because of the scary looking black armor that looks suspicious.

The guard then walked towards a small building where the guards gathered. As Arthur entered the building more guards surroundee him and lead him into the the captain's room.

As Arthur entered the room he saw the captain standing with a cup of tea in his hands. The captain stood tall but to Arthur it was obvious that it was all an act.

'A iron body supporter under his clothing to avoid him from shaking. A bottle of oil to keep him from stuttering. And a mysterious drug to keep him from being too scared.' He though as he saw all of those items in the room using his X-ray vision.

"I am sorry for not noticing you, I realized that you must be a great king from another country. I do not know why your purpose of visit is. But I hope you are able find what you are looking for." The captain said.

Arthur was about to show all of the dead goblins that he have killed and was going to ask for a citizenship but ended up getting confused by the captain's sudden statement. 'King?' He thought while remembering that he gave the Behemoth Bill to the captain as a identification paper.

Not knowing how to respond, Arthur stood still looking at the captain with his helmet on.

The captain didn't know what Arthur was thinking since Arthur was using a helmet and so he thought that he angered Arthur.

The captain tried putting out the fire that didn't even exist and said, "Uh sir, I know it isn't much but uhm, we can give you a honorary citizenship, and we can also give you more! Uh we just, uhmm." The captain started stuttering.

Arthur smiled and shaked the captain's hand. "Thanks. Just give me the honorary citizenship." He said while dropping off the dead goblins that was in his inventory.

The captain immediately recognized the dead goblins and looked at Arthur.

"I am just helping. Arthur said while leaving the room with his honorary citizenship card.

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